The Cennti Empire Geographic Location in Void Realms | World Anvil
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The Cennti Empire

Written by brotoss707

While there are many worlds within the Void Realms, the most famous of them would be Eot. A green, temperate world with great prairies and sparse forests, and a circumference of 3000 miles. Eot's star orbits the world at a distance of 28,700 miles, with a circumference of 820 miles, and three portals on its surface connecting to three other stars. Ships powered by mana fly through the Void, with special enchantments to maintain air and gravity. These stars are spheres composed of magic in its most pure and volatile form. If a ship attempts to land on a star, it is instantly vaporized, but if it travels through one of the portals on its surface, the ship will travel through another dimension, blasting out of a portal on the surface of another star. Eot is the homeworld of Man, once a world composed of bickering kingdoms and nation states, the world united under one government after a decades long war waged by King Markus of the Cennti, an ethnic people belonging to the center north of Eot. As of the 6th century AU(After Unification), the Cennti Empire spanned eight worlds. These worlds are Aitov, Gelgoreg, Dorthargond, Yeshi, Briathone, Himlothland, and Tiriande. In 512, the hedonistic Marcus the 17th was assassinated by his own bodyguards, and a military junta was formed to rule the Empire. At the same time Sulla, a bastard in exile, revealed himself to be the son of the dead emperor, gaining supporters of his own. Alba and several other smaller kingdoms took this as their chance to declare independence, together they formed the Alba Confederacy. So began the largest war in the history of the Cennti Empire, a civil war that would last for over 12 years.


The worlds of the Void Realms are much smaller than their real world counterparts, and are often composed of only one or two significant biomes. What passes for stars are more like moons, smaller spheres of pure magic orbiting their respective world, giving off light and heat as well as offering means of transport to other worlds.   Eot: The homeworld of man, is a world of vast grasslands and sparse forests. The great Aopt sea lies in the northern hemisphere. Its star is a vibrant yellow and is of average size.   Aitov: A world of ice and snow, it's native inhabitants are the Goliaths, but centuries of colonization and wars has forced the race on to a small reservation, with the rest of the world divvied up between various nobles and government officials. Its star is a pale blue of great size.   Gelgoreg: Very similar to Eot in geography, with great mountains in the north and the most of the southern hemisphere is covered by the Meridiem Ocean. The province of Alba, after the death of Marcus the 17th it has broken off along with several other province on Yeshi and Aitov to form the Alba Confederacy. One of the major factions in the current civil war. The worlds star is a light yellow of average size.   Dorthargond: Arid and rocky, the world is known for the exotic spices native to it, grown on vast planations. It has a small dull red star.   Yeshi: A desert world with two stars, meaning it has access to twice as many other stars than an average world would, making it a valuable trading hub. It is also the only known source of mana in crystal form, a commodity that has advanced technology centuries ahead. The Alba Confederacy owns some of the mana mines on the world, a key strategic point for the Junta to take. Yeshi's stars are a small red one leading out of the cluster and a medium sized yellow one connecting back to Eot.   Briathone: On the surface Briathone is barren of any life, but underground are vast interconnected caves that appeared as if they were created by some great and long dead worm. Air, moss, and even small animal life was found within these caves. Briathone is known for the many rebellions against the Empire over the centuries. Now that the Empire is in the middle of a Civil War, the world of Briathone has sided with the Royalists under Sulla. Briathone's star is large and white.   Himlothland: A very mountainous world covered in trees and moss, Himlothland was settled by the Hims, an ethnic group from Eot who fled persecution because of their belief in a goddess known as the Madonna, or Great Mother. It was on Himlothland that Sulla declared himself rightful heir to the throne, and most of the Him Lords have rallied to his cause, calling themselves Royalists. Himlothland's star is white and of average size.   Tiriande: A world covered in marshes and swamps, it is the latest world to be colonized by the Empire. It's star is large and green.

Fauna & Flora

Eot: The most significant animal to come from Eot besides man is the horse, the horse can carry cargo and transport people at rapid speeds where a flying ship would be deemed impractical. The fauna is mostly various grasses, trees, and ferns, as well as crops such as wheat and corn.   Aitov: Trees do grow on Aitov, and wherever there isn't snow a short reddish green grass grows. Herd animals can be seen roaming the vast tundras, with smaller predators hunting them down in packs. If you asked a local about fauna to look out for, they would say that the Goliaths are the most dangerous animals around. Seven foot tall monsters with grey skin, covered head to foot in tribalistic tattoos. They once ruled the whole world, centuries of pacification by human settlers has forced them on to a small reservation.   Gelgoreg: The rich soil of Gelgoreg means almost anything can grow there, old trees from before human settlement can be seen stretching into the sky, taller than any building. The forests are abundant with animal life small and large, from foxes and wolves to lions and deer.   Dorthargond: A red grass covers most of the world in patches, herds of deer like animals roam these arid plains in massive herds. Lush flora can be found around waterholes sprinkled throughout the wild. There are spices native to Dorthargond that grow only there, and are highly prized across the Empire for both their flavor and high quality of food preservation.   Yeshi: Life is short and cruel for both plants and animals on Yeshi, which is composed mostly of sand and rocks. The only reason people live there at all is because of how valuable crystal mana is.   Briathone: Many of the tunnels beneath the surface are coated in a bio luminescent moss, with worms and various forms of bio luminescent life living within it. The deeper beneath the surface a tunnel is, there more life and activity there is.   Himlothland: Vast mountains covered in moss, animals similar to goats can be found scaling these mountains with ease.   Tiriande: Most of the world is still unexplored, due to the thickness of the swamps. Birds soar through trees growing out of murky water of unknown depth. Aligators and crocodiles can pop out of the water, dragging someone in before anyone can even react.

Natural Resources

Eot: Eot's most valuable resource is people. The most populous world in the empire, people leave Eot for the outer worlds all the time is search of wealth, land, or simply a better life. This has helped prevent any problems of overpopulation Eot might have had if it weren't for colonization.   Aitov: First colonized as for the purpose of mining, this has fallen out of favor as worlds with more bountiful metals have been discovered.   Gelgoreg: Wood and grain are the primary exports of Gelgoreg, a world with rich soils perfect for farming and vast forests ripe for lumber.   Dorthargond: The spices found on Dorthargond are invaluable when it comes to food preservation, vast plantations cover the surface of this world.   Yeshi: The mana mines of Yeshi provide the Cennti Empire with crystal mana, which is much more powerful and easier to use than mana found in its natural liquid form.   Briathone: Tons of iron, copper, silver, gold, and other metals can be found within and around the caves beneath Briathone's surface.   Himlothland: The primary export of Himlothland is mutton and wool.   Tiriande: Though the world does export lumber and the skins of exotic animals, Tiriande remains the backwater in desperate need of some infrastructure.
Alternative Name(s)
The Empire, Cennti Star Cluster
Star System
Characters in Location

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