Tsiki Mountain Bore Species in Vivlio | World Anvil
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Tsiki Mountain Bore

The Tsiki mountain Bore is a worm-like creature inhabiting the large mountain range on the east side of the Tsiki continent. These mountains are inhabited by the Night Elves, living in the caves created by the Bores. The Night Elves use the Bore's natural capability to create passages through the stone at incredible speeds. What would take a skilled miner a day to clear would take a bore only several minutes. The Night Elves discovered the Bores once they ventured further into the caves. They are naturally tame creatures, feeding only on the rock they excavate.

Basic Information


The bores are long slug-like creatures, several meters long and up to a meter in diameter. The face of the bore bears no eyes and only holds a mass of teeth harder than rock. their mouths are circular, with the teeth surrounding the circumference. Several ridges run along the length of the creature that expand and contract to allow the beast to move its body through the caves.

Ecology and Habitats

Dark caves with ample room for expansion would be ideal as they need to feed on the environment to survive.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They use echolocation to navigate the dark caves. Even if they had eyes, they would be more than useless in the environment they live in. They use their echolocation to communicate with each other as well as for navigation, although a language has not been deciphered.
Conservation Status
The Night Elves rely on their usefulness to clear debris, as well as clear out new caverns for the expanding kingdom. Many bores are nurtured and are allowed to breed as they wish and are given many opportunities to feed. The survival of the bores is highly important to the Night Elves, ensuring their safety is a top priority amongst the excavators.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution

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