Grand Overseer Rank/Title in Vivilleon The Lost World | World Anvil
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Grand Overseer

The Grand Overseer of Alani is an imposing figure who wields unyielding authority over the province. His decrees are absolute, leaving little room for dissent, and his word is law. Under his centralized rule, Alani operates within a strict hierarchical system, with administrators and ministers acting as extensions of his will. The Grand Overseer's government is marked by constant surveillance and a feared law enforcement, represented by the Conch Order and its elite Conch Knights. Clad in gleaming armor adorned with the Grand Overseer's insignia, they enforce his laws with unwavering loyalty, instilling fear and submission among the city's inhabitants. Though this strict governance ensures apparent stability, it also stifles individual freedoms, leaving the people yearning for a more inclusive and compassionate leadership.


A person is raised to the rank of Grand Overseer when the community sees the previous unfit to rule then they pick who should be raised to Grand Overseer by supporting that person after accumulating 20% of the population as supporters the citizens vote if the current Grand Overseer should be replaced. This can happen multiple times a year.


The Grand Overseer is supposed to monitor Alani and make sure all citizens are safe and content with their living situations.


The Grand Overseer is supposed to do lots of paper work involving citizen relations diplomatic affairs and anything else of the like. Unlike most monarchs or rulers the Grand Overseer is supposed to remain active and willing to manage their people to the best of their ability.


Everyone who becomes Grand Overseer is outfit with unlimited riches and political power.


Right after the signing of the sacred Treaty of Alani, the village came together to decide on the first Grand Overseer, the leader who would embody the values of unity and respect within the newfound alliance with the Triton. A council of respected community members, comprising experienced leaders, artisans, and skilled individuals, was formed to facilitate the selection process. Each council member was encouraged to nominate a candidate they believed would be best suited for the esteemed role. Once the nominations were made, the entire community engaged in a transparent and inclusive voting process. Every Verdan, regardless of age or status, had the opportunity to cast their vote for the candidate they deemed most capable of leading Alani with wisdom and compassion. The vote was conducted openly, with everyone witnessing the proceedings, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and ownership in the selection.   After all votes were counted, the candidate with the most overwhelming support emerged as the first Grand Overseer. The chosen leader, humbled and honored, graciously accepted the role, pledging to uphold the values of the treaty and work tirelessly to strengthen the bond between the Verdan and the Triton.   In this democratic process, the Verdan took an active part in selecting their first Grand Overseer, fostering unity and a sense of collective decision-making that would shape the province of Alani's future. The success of this democratic tradition would become a cornerstone of the province, ensuring that future leaders would be chosen by the people, embodying the spirit of cooperation and harmony with the Triton, and continuing to uphold the sacred values of the enchanting province of Alani.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
Their Highness
Alternative Naming
High Overseer
Equates to
Source of Authority
Their people
Current Holders
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