The Eternal Triwar Military Conflict in Visten | World Anvil
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The Eternal Triwar

Nberezt, Kovaln, and Tagizdam have always had an uneasy relationship with each other. On the one hand, they are very close to each other in religion and culture and trade diligently. On the other hand, they also wage bloody wars against each other for land, for power and resources.   Such is the frequency of conflicts between the three, also known as the Three siblings, that most of them are lumped together and are collectively called the Eternal Triwar. Nearly every war between any two of the three or all of them is simply counted as part of this eternal struggle and few of the individual conflicts are ever specifically named, outside of the bloodiest or otherwise notable ones.   In warfare, the Three Siblings have very different strenghts. Nberezt has the sharpest blades and the most powerful Siege Walkers and its forces are well drilled and highly disciplined. On the other hand, the Siege Walkers are also very slow moving and so set the pace for the rest of the Nbereztian military, making pursuit and surprise attacks difficult. The Nbereztian military also relies largely on the manpower of Nberezt itself, seen as more trustworthy than any outsider forces, Archeologists or slaves.   Kovaln's strength is in the speed of its Walkers and infantry and the numbers of the latter, supplemented with Archeologists and slaves. They are also sometimes able to wield small numbers of special weapons from the past, dug up from the flooded settlements of the Eight Anvils. Working or restorable weapons like this, however, are rare and highly precious so they are limited to commanders and the most elite of warriors.   Tagizdam, the wealthiest and best connected of the Three, has the most powerful Walkers, a cavalry and it is able to provide its infantry with some of the latest in weapons technology and heavy armour. It also frequently employs as mercenaries some of the most fearsome fighting forces from outside the Great Salt Sea. Of course, all of this also means that the Tagizdamian military is very expensive to keep up and keep going. Hence, its infantry is drafted or hired right ahead of war and so tends to lack the discipline and practice of its Kovaln and, especially, Nbereztian counterparts and Tagizdamian armies march only as far as the Royal Coffers can be made last.
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