The Caste System of the Saurian Theocracy Organization in Visten | World Anvil
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The Caste System of the Saurian Theocracy

The Saurian Theocracy is a highly stratified caste society lead by a priest caste formed by The Purple Touched. These are smaller than usual Saurians with a purple smudge of colour on their face scales. Newly born Saurians, male or female, bearing these marks are immediately sent to their nearest Temple of the Sun Scale by their mothers, to be raised into their future leadership role by other Purple Touched.   Among the Purple Touched, the highest ranking one is known as the Sun Scale Paragon. This Saurian is the high priest of the Saurian religion and hence the leader of all the Saurians. It resides in the largest of the Saurian settlements, Sun On World, from where it passes its religious judgements and political decisions.   Right bellow the Purple Touched in the Saurian Theocracy's caste system, the Gold Scales can be found. These are golded scaled, significantly larger than average Saurians, trained from hatchlings in Saurian military academies, known as Schools of Blood. In these schools, the Gold Scales are trained in the art of combat until they come of age, when each cohort goes through The Trial of Death, duels to the the death between members of a cohort, leaving behind only the strongest and most cunning of their generation.   The Gold Scales are followed in the Saurian hierarchy by the Silver Scales. Silver Scales are much like any average Saurian except their scales are silvery in colour. This group is responsible for Saurian trade and science and highly intelligent even for their species. These Saurians go through the School of Silvers to eventually specialize in either trade or science.   After the Silver scales come the regular Saurians, the Green Scales. Green Scales are the most numerous of the Saurian castes and responsible for their food production, construction and other such every day endeavours. They get a modest education in Green Schools, just enough to function in the Saurian society. They mostly live unremarkable, but peaceful, lives outside of sometimes drafted to reinforce the Saurian military's Gold Scales as cannon fodder.   At the bottom of the Saurian hierarcy one can find the Mixed Scales. These are Saurians with scales of mixed colours. They are look down upon by the rest of the Saurian society and are treated as borderline slaves, toiling away in the heaviest, dirties and least thankful jobs while getting the worst land to live on and the worst scraps of food to feed themselves with. However, because of being seen as essentially expendable, Mixed Scales that show intellectual or physical promise are sometimes taken into Schools of Darkness. In these, they are trained into special strike units or individual assassins, to be sent to the most dangerous and demanding missions of the Saurian military - or to carry out the dirty work of ambitious Purple Touched.

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