Scolas Corii Organization in Visten | World Anvil
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Scolas Corii

School of Light's Heart

Scolas Corii (School of Light's Heart) is the branch of the Senfid Aidarii responsible for the advancement of the technological capabilites of the Senfid Aidarii as well as, secretly, the research of magic. It is based in Cordein, the heardquarters of the Senfid.   The Scolas is led by a Phaeus Scolastii, typically a particularly distinguished Scolaestii who has also shown their loyalty to the Senfid.   Under the Phaeus Scolastii, and under careful and constant watch of the Umbetum, the Scolaestii spend their days researching the properties and uses of magic. Having learned from epidemics of Lucino Violac and other magic spillage events, the Scolas does it's research with utmost care and with such secrecy that not even all Scolaestii are aware of the true nature of their work.

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