Organization of the Saurian Autocracy Organization in Visten | World Anvil
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Organization of the Saurian Autocracy

The Saurian Autocracy is a feudal kingdom found to the West of Bera's Bracers and led by a very lizard like king, currently King Zazza the Sparkling.   Traditionally, the king rules his realm from the fortress palace of The Skynest found atop the central city of Rubiet, The Saurian Autocracy's Capital. Zazza , however, mostly rules from the Mother Cloud, the capital ship of the Autocracy's fleet.   In the Autocracy, the King is the supreme leader and holds a near deified position. Hence, the King often rules by themselves and Zazza has been no exception. Quite to the contrary, he marked the beginning of his reign with the firing and purge of all those holding advisory positions or authority within the Nest.   Other than the King, the most powerful people in the Autocracy are his appointed generals. As commanders of his armies, the generals have terrifying amounts of firepower and men at their disposal. The threat of their violence gives the generals considerable power over local leaders but this power is only occasionally abused as it is kept in check by other generals. The King himself also acts as a limiter for this power though mostly indirectly through the ever present threat of him suspecting potential usurpers. Zazza's attention span is much too short and his vagaries much too chaotic for him to be able to keep a consistent eye on his generals.   Beneath the generals, there are the local Kings that, tradionally, have sworn fealty to the Nest though recently to the King himself. They are currently not even allowed to call themselves kings, due to Zazza seeing this as a challenge to his position. Because if this, and at the King's own request, they are called Little Buckets instead.   There is a Little Buckets ruling each of the Autocracy's seven other cities: Durbag, Slazek, Stylas, Runod, Grasuch, Kalibi and Lotoze.   Durbag is ruled by Katal Pugimen, Slazek by Kosto Raunt, Stylas by Zesuch Laskamen, Runod by Stalz Kosch, Grasuch by Damgi Basqar, Kalibi by Prav Bena and Lotoze by Gnoska Torz. Each of the Little Buckets leads their smaller kingdom largely independently, paying the Skynest taxes in goods, money and manpower. Beyond these taxes, and occasional orders from the generals or Zazza the Sparkling, each Little Bucket is more or less free to rule as they please.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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