Artifex Species in Virtateron; Land of Many Virtues | World Anvil
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Game Mechanics

  • Ability Modifiers Int +3 Wis +1
  • Type Plant
  • Tag(s) Goblinoid


  • Small You are size Small.
  • Woody body You have resistance against bludgeoning, and piercing damage.
  • Nimble You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
  • Extra Movement Your base walking speed increases to 30 feet.
  • Wondrous Green Thumb "You have proficiency with gardener’s tools. Using those Tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of seeds and special compost to grow a miraculous Tiny plant (AC 5, 1 hp). The plant withers, dies and ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour nurturing it to keep it healthy and functioning), or when you use your action to harvest and compost it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such plants alive and active at a time. When you create grow a plant, choose one of the following options:
    • Mimicking Plant: This plant unintelligibly mimics the shape and sounds of animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.
    • Fire Dousing: The plant produces a miniature spray of flame retarding foam, which if exposed to open flame within 5ft and coaxed will douse a candle, torch, or campfire within 5ft. Using the plant requires your action.
    • Fragrant Blossoms: When coaxed, this plant opens a strong scent of the grower's choice is easily that can be smelled within 10ft by normal human noses. The smell isn't actual toxic or dangerous but can invoke strong emotional reaction and lingers until the blossom is coaxed shut, or 10 minutes.
  1. Innate Casting You can cast the Identify spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a Long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  • Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Assured Eternal Bliss You have advantage on saving throws against being Frightened.

Basic Information


The servus are short and stout like little barrels. They have bat-like noses and large doll-like solid black eyes. They have pointed ears like an elf and instead of hair grow thin willow like leaves on its head. Their skin is smooth and green, with darker greens indicating better health. Being plants, do not exhibit mammalian sexual dimorphism but instead both sexes physiologically appear to what most fey or humanoid's would associate with a masculine body structure but during Sowing Seasons while mature and in good health they develop flowers in a laurel wreath pattern (of real world Roman Fame) around the sides and back of their heads right above their ears, with females having dense clusters of pink cup-like flowers receptive to male Gymnosperms which readily wafts from the densely clustered dark crimson dangling pollen emitting spherical stamen which encircle three quarters the male's crown. These flowers are very sensitive and as painful to damage as the humanoid or fey equivalence. Further detail is discussed in reproduction.

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