Halfings and Gnomes Species in Vintum | World Anvil
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Halfings and Gnomes

The shortest of races are rare in Contra. Most Halflings live in Siun and are socially equal to Humans in riches and habits. Though less ambitious than Humans, they are excellent traders and have a knack for seeing alternatives where Humans do not. Gnomes are likely to live in Stormhall and contribute greatly to the capital’s progression in science and technology. Nobody knows for sure where these races came from originally, but in Contra they came with the Humans who fled from the Orcs of the Badlands. Over time they naturally migrated to one kingdom or the other as their talents became more useful in either Thor or Siar.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Haflings and Gnomes incorporated themselves into Human society. Nobody really knows where they came from or how long they've been there.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

See Human.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Despite being so close to Humans both physically and socially, Halflings and Gnomes don't breed outside of their race. In fact they will jump through however many hoops they need to in order to be certain they do not accidentally impregnate or become pregnant from such relations (which they will participate in, should the mood strike them.)

RPG Datasheet

Rules As Written in 5e rulebooks.

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