Thritean Empire Organization in Vestrata | World Anvil
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Thritean Empire

"What can be said of them that already hasn't been? The empire that changed the world by taking most of it in force. The spread of their language, religion, culture to all corners of the world. The brutal subjugation and destruction of any who opposed them? They tore through nearly three continents in a quest to please the head of their pantheon. Some legends they wrote down say he even walked among them. Bah! that was their excuse to pillage, and that's probably why the Neo-Thrideans adopted their namesake. In an attempt to excuse their marauder ways.   Some shall call me a fool for disparaging them, since they did some good. They quelled many fighting tribes, built great cities, and gave roads from major towns that provided safe and effective travel. They instituted the Artisans Academy in Scarberren (though it was only allowed to be attended by Thriteans) and helped progress the world in it's societal and technological advancement. Their language even influenced the Old Common and Common that we speak today. But make no mistake, they did as much bad as good.   Fae creatures, for example, did not exist till they had made the use of magic prevalent. You can argue that the Lower Amarronites ancestors, the Hekat, used magic frequently, but their magic did not warp nature. They did not so freely practice it to the point of magical contamination. No priest in Khemkavan goes around casting spells with abandon. They practice moderation, and perform sparingly. The Thriteans encouraged the few who were magically gifted to cast anything that could give them a boon or benefit. That's if you were Thritic, of course. any non-Thritic who could cast magic was forbidden to under penalty of death.   The case of the tribes that resisted them as well is a good example, as most who did refuse their "enlightenment" whether peacefully or aggressively, met the fate of forced assimilation or annihilation. The Yuum K'iino of the Quetzpa tribe talk of "seas of grass" and  "vast forests" that they once called home, before they were driven out, slaughtered in droves till they fled for their lives. The tales do not talk of the attackers, though I would argue the Thriteans could be a culprit. -Professor Edgar Burrow,  fort Kivri Scholar of History.
While physical writings are rare nowadays  and in a dead language, the effect felt from the Thritean empire expands to today, with the relics of their presence spreading all the way from their home isle to the continent of Fjallsgard  



Some of the few ruins scattering the continents attributed to the Thriteans are:
  • Mino's Fort- The elaborate palace complex that spans three small concentric islands. The murals and artifacts recovered suggest that this was an early construction, and took some many years to complete. A ceremonial pillar, know as the "Recording Pillar" sits.
  • Fort Kivri- Though the name of the fort wasn't recorded, the eventual resettling of the military fortification and subsequent renaming gave it the name of "Fort Kivri" due to the iconography and design that the Kordovarian sect of Civricism consider the home base of their prophet, The Supreme Justicar, Kivri.
  • Azul's Perch- Another reclaimed outpost, this one with an urban legend to match it. The name "Azul's Perch" refers to the folk hero Azul, who drove off the Thritean soldiers who guarded the base, using his mastery of the bow, which had its arrows redirected to never miss a mark, due to Kivri's intervention. azul was also said to be a leper that KIvri had used her knowledge to heal.
  • Bardsbank- While the debaucherous nature of Bardsbank isn't new by any standard, many would be surprised to know just how old that reputation is. ever since the Thritic architects began their work on the region, the plethora of bathhouses, public lounges, and plenty of bars( which most of these establishments were only for Thritean citizens) This design intent paved the later perceptions of the town as a leisure center and tourist destination.
  • Scarberren- While most know that Scarberren was a Thritic city originally, based off of the site of the original Artisans Academy tower (which low lays in disuse), most do not now how essential the city was to the magical advancement of their society. Local supply chains from all corners of their empire made experimentation with raw materials easy, as well as the dispatching of any mages that could be used in other areas.
  • Gemmerstown- The home of the Dwaervi Miners Guild (known as Gemmers) was once a Thritic villa for a prominent member of their society. Nothing aside from the building's use is known.
  • Bellend- The illustrious city of Bellend, with it's well-kept streets and modern trappings, was once a Thritean harbor town, which built a large majority of the empire's later ships.


The exact reasoning of their collapse is under conjecture, but after the final Thritic-Titanovan war in 800 TE, the next year saw a rapid decline in many of the trademark signs of the ambitious invaders. Texts denoting the outbreak of plague, the attacks of the Fjallsgard city of Airora (which is believed to be the modern Neo-Thridean city of Hobsblud) the eventual decline in power led to no records after 798 FE

Demography and Population

At the height of their power, the Thritean Empire spanned from the eastern side of Vestra, a majority of Eropei, and along the wider rivers of Fjallsgard. This gave their empire a very diverse population, with at least 20% Geddeman (before the eventual decline of their population), 10% Dwaervi, 5% Giant, 35% Thritean, and 30% Thritic Aelva
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Official Languages

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