Pas-Barse-Sar Organization in Vestrata | World Anvil
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"The goblinoid tribes, in their three distinct groups, each had a defining reputation. The Manduco were craftsmen and tacticians. The SharpTeef were survivalist guerilla raiders. But the Pas-Barse-Sar, translated to mean 'Break-Bash-Blister' were martial warriors, and fought for the sake of fighting. This reflected in their worship of Yog, who they praised by engaging in large scale combat, or even through ritualistic duels.


Native to the same area as their sister tribes, the Pas-Barse-Sar tribe (shortened to PBS for this document) are outstandingly violence-oriented, even for goblin culture. While warfare and might-based settling of issues was not an uncommon occurrence, and still continues in the culture today, the prevalence it had in the daily lives of the entire tribe was astounding. This lust for combat is what likely drove them to the northeastern areas of modern day Hobbsrunne, near the city of Craydel. This put them in eventual contact with the human and Giant tribes that had begun migration to the area, and combined with the consistent raids of the Sharpteef raiders, this was a prime position. Feuding over the resources, secure camping sites, the migratory herds of which many subsisted on.  


Though not too far off from traditional Yog Yithal worship of the time, the particular practices of the PBS are worth noting. For instance, just as the modern day Hobbsrunne leaders are chosen for their "Pure Blood" the appointment of a shaman was done through the process of inspection. The current shaman of the tribe would examine each young male at the age of 4, and check how healthy they were. The ones that had grown the most, either in height or weight, were chosen first. The ones who were wild, and full of energy, next. Lastly, the ones who moved the quickest. The rest of the young ones were deemed unworthy, and would bear the burden of chores and menial work with the women and girls, unable to prove themselves again until reaching adulthood, though this seldom happened.   The chosen boys would then be put through rigorous training regimen, focused exclusively on the tenets of martial ability, physical endurance, and adherence to the rituals of war. Sparring with each other, running and hiking for miles, and the recital of battle prayers to Yog were all apart of their study. Any boy who fell behind was branded with a mark that denoted their failure, and would identify them as a pariah among the other tribe members.   Once the age of 17, a number that was held in high regard(note: as indicated in battle prayers that are still practiced by current tribe members, this is likely due to the idea of Yog crafting the world in as many days. Why this number was decided upon is unknown.) The shaman would enact the final test to the assembled lot. They would duel him in a fatal match, utilizing the chants and mantras they had learned over the course of their preparation. Should the shaman fall to one of the initiates, while others had not faced him, they must then face the newest shaman. This is also when those that had not been outright chosen at the age of 4 may challenge him, and were allowed 17 days to prepare.
Character Trait: Pas-Bars-Sar are resilient but are an insular tribal community, and regularly shun pursuit that don't relate to combat, survival, or worship. They have Brutish Defense (When fighting a creature in melee, the character may add +2 to their AC as a reaction when holding a weapon and has line of sight.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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