The Vidarr Vehicle in Vestigium | World Anvil
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The Vidarr

Come, men of Cytherea! They approach our world with steel and flesh, metal and matter, their hides covered in sturdy armor and their soldiers armed with weapons of awesome power. We must meet them in equal measure. The Vidarr is ready, and so are her people! Arise!
  The Vidarr, also known as the Extermatadian, is an anti-orbital mobile railgun fires tungsten rods triple-loaded with 6 3-stage 25 megaton hydrogen bombs. Given the added force of the rod reaching an incredible velocity making contact with the target, the resulting explosion equals a quarter-billion tons of TNT. Prior to the rod’s departure, the Extermatadian fires a “blank” pre-shot with creates a “pipe” vacuum through which the rod can travel, and to clear the rails. This allows the rod to surpass terminal velocity several times over since the railgun uses the mass of the rod “folded over” several times to launch it at a speed a tenth of the speed of light. The projectile normally hits an orbital target in a thousandth of a second.   Every rod undergoes an intense process of creation involving a wide variety of materials both common and esoteric, and a drawn-out ritual to align the magic potency of the rod to the highest degree under the jurisdiction of the Venerian Warlocks. A single rod takes about 2 Gregorian years to create.   The pre-Epoch name for the device is 'Anti-Orbital Interdiction Weapon'.
Oblation of Violence, Mother of Pain, Offering of Metal, Attrition, Annihalation, Vidarr
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew

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