Kyther Settlement in Vestigium | World Anvil
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Kytheria, or more commonly, Kyther, is the largest pit-city/realm within the Cytherian Confederation, boasting a massive population and incredible industrial strength. Thanks to this size, the Councillor over Kytheria is normally the Judisdicator by default, simply because of the scale of Kytheria's strength. However, because of its size, Kytheria also heavily relies on imports to maintain itself. This tends to keep the power of the Judisdicator in check.   Kyther is more of a series of pit-cities that are losely connected by various tunnels, making it more of an expansive city-state than a realm like the ones controlled by other Councillors.   Kyther itself is a massive city built along the inside of a long crevice on the surface of Venus, and the pit-city slowly went further and further down into many different substrata, minor pits and waste cavities. The upper levels have changed little since the time of the First Jurisdicator Ascanius, who was born here and utilized the city as a base of operations for their global conquest of Venus.   Kyther's main export is workers, soldiers, engineers, and any other manpower due to its extensive clone-vat systems. Several substrata are dedicated just to clone production.   Kantharos is the main power behind Kyther. It is a massive series of chambers where the ins and outs of administration and intergovernmental diplomacy occurs.   Beneath Kyther lies the Aenean Vaults, which are vast interconnected tunnels that are a repository of lore and technology. While the vaults are not accessible through Kyther alone, most expeditions are facilitated within that city.
Alternative Name(s)
Underground / Vault
Location under
Owning Organization

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