Hauler Waymen Organization in Vestigium | World Anvil
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Hauler Waymen

Living within the hidden crevices and caverns of Venus, the 'barbarians' live off of crab/worm meat, harvested algae, and stolen goods. They are ultimately a nomadic culture. Once an area has been 'harvested', they pack up, board their hauler vehicles, and move ever onward.   Hauler Waymen often camp in ravines, crevices, valleys and caves along their routes across the surface of Venus. It's safe from the graphite storms, and there's likely flyfeeder worm nests and kiwa crabs nearby if they're low on rations.   The current state-enforced tongue of the Cytherean Confederation, which controls most of Venus, is Third Imperial (also known as Fifth Equatorial Venusian). The Waymen have many tongues, and most are derivitive of Second Equatorial Venusian, which predates the Confederation and was the language enforced by the Jurisdicator themselves almost 5000 years ago.   If you're a member of the Confederation, trying to understand Second Equatorial would be like a modern English speaker trying to read Old English.   But if you speak Russian or Mandarin Chinese, you might be able to understand a little bit of what they say, given that most Venusian languages are derived from those respective tongues.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Barbarian Warbands
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations

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