Vesperia History of Vesperia Timeline
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History of Vesperia

The known history of the continent of Vesperia, from the Mythic Era to the present.

Dawn Era

20000 BR 12000 BR

The era before most recorded history. Shrouded in myth and legend, many details of this era are unclear.

  • -12100 DE

    -12000 DE

    Dawn War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great war between the gods, which left only The Twelve and the Corrupted Gods alive, and established the Veil to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Mythic Era

12000 BR 1 BR

  • -1000 ME

    Estimated End of the Ancient Vesperians

    The exact timing of the Ancient Vesperian civilization's extinction is unknown, as scholars still have yet to decode their writing system. However, careful examination of the ruins suggests that it ended at least 1000 years before the Reman era.

Ab urbe condita

0 BR 726 AUC

The early Reman age, beginning with the founding of the city.

  • 0 AUC

    Founding of Reme

    According to legend, the city of Reme was founded by the hero Remus after he led the rebellion against the Draconic Dominions. It became the leader in a confederation of city states, which eventually grew into a continent-spanning empire.

Modern Era

1233 AUC 2600 AUC

  • 2453 EM

    Discovery of Vesperia
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first Thulish explorers made landfall on Vesperia, also the first Ionians to do so.

  • 2556 EM

    2559 EM

    Wallace Expedition
    Discovery, Exploration

    Led by the scholar Elethia Wallace, a multinational team of explorers and adventurers sets out to chart the central frontier. They trace a route all the way from the Veritas River to Penglai, discovering the Silent City and other major ruins along the way.