The Fate of Calés Hunedora: Epilogues in Verdane, the City of Prosperity | World Anvil
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The Fate of Calés Hunedora: Epilogues

Where are they now?



The remnants of Hunedora, after retreating to Calés Pelagia following the capture and death of the majority of their warriors, have decided that it be best that they remain as smaller tribes spread out amongst their allied communities of Pelagia, Docilis, and Namora; a decision spearheaded by Floure following the advice of her own council as well as the elders of these communities. While Hunedora would never be its own community again in service to Fenris, its people would be remembered for their valiant service and fervent protection to the communities of the Fjarăformă across the whole continent of Providence, driven by the ideals and achievement of two of its greatest warriors: Reyhan Momin and Brigitte Niasdottir.  

Floure, the Crouching Tiger of Hunedora

Following the dissolution of Hunedora as a community, Floure found herself serving as a valuable source of council to the various taliyan communities of Providence. She never was recognized for her role in saving Hunedora, but records show that she preferred it this way. Her failures and mistakes as a young leader of the savage, bloodthirsty Hunedorans would eventually become her greatest asset, serving as a reminder of what to do and what not to do to aspiring Conducă. It is said that behind the success of young, valiant leaders in taliyan history, there stood a tiger behind them, shadowing their every move and keeping them upright where none would see. Floure would later be recorded as one of the few Hunedorans who have been lain to rest in their deathbed.  

Skirmir and Shanthor, Yin and Yang

Skirmir and Shanthor would be known as a fearsome duo in their heyday, being known not only as symbols of true Hunedoran ferocity, but also as the heralds of Fenris' will. Skirmir's fiery temper got him into many battles throughout history, but he would always be accompanied by Shanthor's cool demeanor, serving as a terror to many a remote Aquitani warband. More often than not, these two have been attributed as serving as Hunedora's acting leaders during its final moments as a whole community.  

Atmah and Iago, Raging Bull and Unceasing Panther

Iago and Atmah, warrior and hunter of Hunedora, respectively, would find that their talents as soldiers personally trained by Brigitte Niasdottir would find great success as the appointed guardians of Calés Docilis. While Docilis would maintain its reputation as a cornered rat towards the Aquitani, the unsuspecting inquisitors would find that Docilis has found its fangs in the Bull and Panther. There were rumors that they two were romantically involved, but this has never been officially confirmed by either of the two guardians.  

Moire, Nature's Caretaker

After attending the dissolution of Hunedora, Moire turned over her duties to her assistant before she returned to the ruins of Hunedora to tend to the abandoned homes, cropfields, and the overall space. Nature had reclaimed Hunedora in her many centuries of taking care of the ruins. While she never officially resurfaced in any official capacity for the rest of taliyan history, rumors say that even to this day, there exists a dryad that maintains a sanctuary in the middle of Gjoll Forest with one valiant hero...  

Sairginn, Hunter of Pelagia

Having learned from his mistakes as a rookie hunter since the time of the dissolution of Hunedora, Sairginn had dedicated himself under an Eternal Watcher as an apprentice, eager to learn as much as he could so that he could one day live up to the standards of his new mentor. The training sessions he took part in would become infamous not only for the amount of bruises he would end up covered in, but also for the amount of growth he would undergo as a true hunter.

Point Un and the Marseillians

While this forward base initially proved resilient to the advent of the feral taliyan assaults, holding the base proved to be unsustainable when the source of all the feral taliyans remained elusive, even with the efforts of Kairos and his team to bring many samples to study the plague. In a mass evacuation effort, Point Un was lost to nature, with the hope that the people they had evacuated would be able to support the Marseillians' resistance against the Aquitani in the upcoming Half-Century War...  

Kairos, Discovery

While most of his companions chose to disband after their mission in Gjoll Forest concluded, Kairos continued to serve as a navigator to many scouting and survey teams in the following years. Eventually, Kairos would later give his own life in a battle that would turn the tides on a stronghold that would've been lost, otherwise. He would be one of exemplary examples of tieflings that would overturn the stigma that was associated with being a tiefling from the Gaulish Empire.  

Mathias Badeaux, Archer Apart

Mathias would make a name for himself as an archer whose values would separate himself above the rest. A man who was willing to make sacrifices and be on the frontlines, where most would shy away from the threat of being rendered ineffective. No matter what target his squadrons would face, Mathias would be the one to lead the charge and support his teams alongside his frontline allies.  

Dossa Frère and Julien Yenlos, Technomancy Adepts

Dossa and Julien would stick together following their disastrous mission, working to create a deeper understanding between both magic and technology. While Julien would always shy away when it came time to field testing, Dossa would be in the field to test her own creations, even if it meant their creations blowing up in her face, sometimes literally. They would become one of the primary researching duos under the command of Tywin, eventually resulting in the first pistol frame that would hold up under the use of magical ammunition and enchantments.  

Alessandra Fournier, Vengeful Wraith

Soon after striking out on her own to exact her revenge on the one living taliyan who promised her release, Alessandra disappeared from the eyes of her fellow Marseillians, abandoning both her people and her clan of Châlons d'Guerriere alike. Whenever the Marseillians would find themselves under attack from taliyans both feral or sane alike, a legend spread amongst the grunts that a Vengeful Wraith would come claim their enemies, whether sooner or later.  

Flavius Mornaar, Halva's Right Hand

The dragonborn often seen at Alessandra's side would eventually return to his clan of dragonborn, having gained enough experience to realize that his talents would be better where emotions wouldn't hinder his capabilities. His martial prowess and his bravery in battle would result in him being sent on many dangerous mission throughout the progress of the Half-Century War, until he eventually met his end at the battleground of Ascalon.  

Cpt. Danforth Narquois, Snide Sniper

Following the siege and eventual fall of Point Un, Danforth would volunteer for many a counteroffensive against these taliyans that he called "fakes", believing that somewhere out there were those peaceful peoples who regaled him with a glimpse into their lives. Still, his sardonic wit never left him, as he would often find himself snarking at every opportunity where something would go wrong. Eventually, the Danforth Rule would be coined amongst his inner social circle; his husband explained: "According to Danforth, anything that could go wrong would go wrong, and they would always conspire to happen in the worst possible times."  

Chaplain Zain, A Father to his People

During the siege of Point Un, it was reported from the accounts of survivors that until the end, Chaplain Zain always remained a constant presence in the face of hopeless odds. He was always there to raise everyone's morale, no matter how hopeless the odds seemed to be. His generosity never went away, to the point of becoming self-sacrificing in the final days of the siege when supplies were low. He was one of the casualties of that prolonged siege, having been found kneeling in front of an altar to Mila in his death.  

Aquitani and the Hunedoran Incident

According to accounts by surrendering Aquitani following the conclusion of the Half-Century War, the "Hunedoran Incident" was regarded as a minor loss by the Aquitani leadership, losing some of their people and weeding out those considered "traitor" to their mission. The Feral Plague had been considered a necessary implement against such a savage people, but those who were responsible for such an atrocity had disappeared following public scrutiny by the victorious Verdanians on the ground of cruelty against a person's individuality. Still, some individuals had stories worthy of mention:  

Honey, Feared Negotiator

The tabaxi negotiator was never caught by the Verdanians at the crux of the Half-Century War. However, taliyan history has spoken of a negotiator whose influence extends beyond his physical reach, bringing ruin to communities who dare to refuse his "diplomatic" efforts. Still, opinion on him is mixed: consensus is that having his representatives provide a promise is the best possible option in any negotiation, as he has never thus far broken an agreement in paper.  

Snowdrop, Protector

On the onset of the Half-Century War, Snowdrop was among the first Aquitani to surrender herself to the Marseillians willingly, providing whatever information she could gather in exchange for sanctuary for her and her family. While she would never escape the stigma of being Aquitani, children on the frontlines who found themselves under her protection would speak of otherwise. Snowdrop would be known for telling a story to these children about a deer and a toad who would show mercy to a predatory animal in its weakest moments.  

Sartus and Dozla: Lionhearted Inheritor

Dozla would be revered as one of the heroes in the Hunedoran Incident, though his family and his close friend Sartus knew the truth of the matter. While his and Dozla's family would serve as his source on the inside, Sartus would relinquish his Aquitani heritage, choosing to join the Hunedorans at Pelagia as a healer and protector of the taliyans who he once called enemies. Sartus would eventually sire a bloodline that would become one of the most loyal taliyan families in Pelagia, despite their race.  

And what of our Four Heroes?

Brigitte Niasdottir, Hunedoran Avenger

"Oh, Brigitte. How infuriating! She gives me her hand in marriage one day, then on the day of our rites and ceremonies, she goes off on her own to reclaim some hallowed ruins! Ah, but I love her so; if only she would provide me the opportunity to join her on the battlefield!"
— Ilman Gail, warrior-wife to Brigitte Niasdottir.

Legend speaks of a wolf whose valiance was only matched by her bravery. A warrior who tore through swaths of occupied Aquitani territory just to reclaim the lands due to her people. A woman who loved her wife above all the rest, even if it meant that she would scare away any arranged suitors for her hand for several years prior to marriage. Most of all, a taliyan who would give her all, in life and in death, to inspire her people beyond the dire circumstances which they often found themselves trapped in.   Hail Brigitte, the Hunedoran Avenger.   Brigitte served as the Diondair-Fjarăformă for Hunedora in its remaining years as a community following its evacuation from Gjoll Forest, teaming up with the Pelagians to repel any possible assault from the empowered Aquitani against the mountain ring of Aerian taliyans. Still, she desired more than just a life of protecting her people; in her raged a desire to take back what was lost. It was the day when she met Ilman Gail, a warrior of Pelagia that had the same goals as her, was her desire sparked and made real in the form of her own deeds. Following her engagement to Ilman, Brigitte found herself dedicating her duties of protecting Pelagia and Hunedora to her trained proteges, and striking out on her own to capture ruins, small groves, and other locations of cultural, personal, and religious importance to the taliyans. It was said that her eventual marriage, where she famously ran off in the middle of the ceremony to retake a re-conquered set of ruins, that she cemented herself as her own vigilante group alongside Ilman, working independently to save Hunedora from those who seeked to destroy them.   From every moment of her life beginning as the right hand woman to Hunedora's leadership until the eventual day of her death, Brigitte was regarded as a symbol of hope and power to those lives she touched, while being a terror and a menace to those who dare crossed her path. Her death whilst supposed to have been a blow against the taliyans' pride, ended up strengthening it instead.   Brigitte's influence stands strong to the old guard, and they remember her life as belonging to among the greatest of warrior Ancestors.  

Imogen Orsos, the Constant Presence

"Life blooms from the strangest of places. I feel a constant presence watching over me, both from within my aura and from afar. The animals remain calm, and the nature surrounding me feels... lively. I am at peace with this Constant Presence."
— The journal of a Verdanian monk of peace, during his years of meditation within the deeper reaches of Providence.

Flowers bloom in the most unlikely of places. The earth shifts to make itself more agreeable for those who walk upon it. A yellow-eyed forest denizen leads its companions away from the incoming path of a Marseillian scouting party. An aura of peace surrounds the rest of weary travelers in uncharted, unfamiliar lands. All of this, with no actor, no steward of the land in sight. Yet the blessings keep on.   And all throughout, a red-capped lady of Docilis watches.   Imogen Orsos, the unsuspecting druid from Docilis, was recorded to have spent most of her time shrouding Docilis from as much attention from the outside world as possible, making it seem as unassuming and harmless whether it be through deception via her spellcasting along with the Hatari of Docilis, or through diplomatic negotiation, with a secret weapon in the Bull and Panther. She was reported to have been one of the primary caretakers of the children of Hunedora as well, regaling them with many a story of her heyday as well as wowing them with her magical trickery, inspiring many future spellcasters of Docilis. However, when it came time for her to walk the earth, Imogen faded from the history of Docilis, voluntarily striking herself from the history books to fulfill her life's purpose. Still, some deigned to maintain some record of the kindly Docilis druid whose power was beheld in her ability to protect those who she considered dear to her.   From the beginning of the Half-Century War all throughout to the current day, many individuals have recorded journals and writings speaking of a Constant Presence that would watch over their every move, as curious as it is protective. It would watch over their actions, leaving hints that someone has been watching, yet still maintaining that bubble of protection around its dedicated muses, short of direct intervention.   Imogen will always observe. And she will protect, no matter what happens.  

Mu Aqqibat, the Eternal Watcher

"May my offering of my wings serve Pelagia as much as I once had during its time of greatest need. I will not allow special treatment: I am Eternal; no amount of effort will stop me from watching for my people."
— Mu Aqqibat, the Eternal Watcher to the elders of Pelagia.

The skies of Pelagia will never be the same; not because of the absence of its one constant watcher, but because a whole new rise of watchers trained by the very best of them would fortify Pelagia from any assault. And in times where Pelagia is called for aid from their allies, foes trained to watch the sky will know the wrath of the man whose will far outstrips his loss of physical ability. On days where Pelagia finds itself needing one voice, one will to lead it, there is only one warrior they turn to find their voice, their will to fight and resist the oncoming tides.   Mu Aqqibat will always watch over those he consider his bonds.   Mu Aqqibat, the Eternal Watcher, is a man whose legend far outpaces even his best days as a protector of Pelagia. A man whose will never dies, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds, Mu would go through any length to ensure those he cares for will be prepared for whatever they face, with or without his help. When he lost his wings, his strong will remained as steadfast as ever, if not even moreso. He took to training the young ones of his people, as well as those who would submit to his brutal training sessions one-on-one, so that they would perform feats and deeds in defense of Pelagia when he cannot. And when those he considers allies outside of Pelagia is in trouble, he will personally lead the charge against those who would dare try to harm them. His quiet persona betrays his absolute determination to have those he bonds with see things until the end, with or without him.   And when it is all said and done, Mu Aqqibat continues to watch, in life and in death.  

Reyhan Momin, Emissary of Peace

"I am at peace. It is only my wish that the lives I've touched will take up the mantle of peace in war, conflict, and strife. And when they emulate the life that I've lived, that's when I know that I'll have lived a life worth living."
— Reyhan's final words, spoken to Moire atop the throne of nature as his final resting place.

Peace was always the ultimatum in this legend's eyes. The cause worth fighting for, the standard that should be borne by all, and the essence of the world everyone should strive for. It didn't matter what forces of evil he would've faced; he would sacrifice himself if it meant that peace could be achieved. Until his body fails him and he no longer bears the energy he once had in his several centuries of life, he would fight for peace, strive for peace, negotiate for peace, and die for peace.   Reyhan Momin, the paradox born from Hunedora, would always shine as one of its greatest.   Reyhan, following the fight that would save Hunedora from its own peril, continued to serve as its emissary of peace for several years. But deep down, even with Hunedora gone to Pelagia and surviving, Reyhan knew that his home remains in the center of Gjoll Forest. He spent the rest of his days in the ruins of Hunedora alongside Moire, the dryad herbalist he was worked alongside for centuries, maintaining its abandoned homes and consecrating it as hallowed ground for his people, remembering those who died for it. In times of conflict, Reyhan would raise his sword to fight for peace and his voice for the sake of diplomacy. But when his time came, Reyhan laid down his sword and his body, resting in the ruins of the central hall of Hunedora. He knew he lived a life worth fighting for.   In the ruins of Hunedora, there sits a set of abandoned armor sitting atop a throne of nature, plant life having crossed in and around, anointing the distinct antlers atop its helmet with a crown of flowers. This is where Reyhan Momin rests.

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Mar 21, 2021 15:43
