Reworked Taliyans: Mechanics for D&D 5e in Verdane, the City of Prosperity | World Anvil
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Reworked Taliyans: Mechanics for D&D 5e


A Race of Shifters

As a race that conforms to the standards of neither man nor animal, taliyans are uniquely capable of making use of both their forms to their advantage whenever they please through a process called the Formshift. A formshift occurs when a taliyan performs a specific ritual, or makes use of a special stone magically enchanted to become the focus of their formshifting capability.   In their humanoid form, called the Beorc Form, taliyans are as capable as any other race when it comes to martial prowess and arcane ability. When their beorc forms are unable to overcome a challenge that has been placed in front of them, taliyans may instead choose to formshift called the Laguz Form. The laguz form unleashes the beast that resides within every taliyan, transforming their appearance to match one of an animal as well as gaining the animal's abilities, while still retaining most of their mental faculties.   Taliyans are capable of remaining within either form for an indefinite amount of time. However, most taliyans choose not to do so, as remaining in one form or the other tends to dull the senses and abilities of the form that goes unused. Aside from this, the taliyans believe that one who only chooses to remain in one of their forms rejects their true identity as a race that is neither man nor animal.  

The Price of the Feral Plague Cure

During the events of the Hunedoran Incident, several taliyans had reportedly taken leave of their senses and rationality in favor of their base instincts, hunting and killing those in their way like wild animals. A significant number of lives were reported to have been lost due to these cases of taliyans having gone "feral" so the more scientific and magic-minded of their people took to researching for some form of cure and vaccine for this "Feral Plague". Thanks to the efforts of a team of Hunedorans, several samples of the plague had been provided in the form of used syringes and leftover doses. Within several years, many taliyans had been lost due to this Aquitani-manufactured disease, but there had also been significant progress on a vaccine to prevent such a ruinous disease from spreading even further.   By year 24, a vaccine was successfully developed and field tested. But several drawbacks were noted: after having taken the vaccine, most great taliyans found that they were physically weaker in both Beorc and Laguz form, due to the lasting effects of the vaccine on their unique physiology. It came at an inconvenient time, too: the Marseillians and their oppressors, the Aquitani, were at the height of tensions, and war seemed imminent. If they allowed the Aquitani to further infect their ranks with the Feral Plague, they may become casualties of this war via the Aquitani weaponizing their people. Thus, many communities agreed to have the vaccine administered on their people. Taliyans would never reach the heights that their ancestors before them would once reach.   But, there was an incidental upside, both due to conscious effort and indirect side effects of the vaccine. The taliyans resolved to compensate for their loss of physical capability within other areas, and thus, began to invest into magic as an alternative for their warriors to remain mighty and proud on the battlefield. It just so happened that this vaccine would slowly wear away the taliyans' inherent incapability of casting magic in their Laguz forms, allowing the taliyans' plans to actually succeed. Nowadays, a race historically not known for their spellcasters and arcane warriors have found themselves standing equal with other races inherently capable of learning and casting spells.  

Taliyans and Subraces Features

While all taliyans are capable of formshifting into laguz, multiple different species of taliyans exist based on what type of laguz they transform into. These species have been classified into three categories: Terran, Amfibiu, and Aerian.
  • Terran: All landstriding animals, whether they be predator or prey.
  • Amfibiu: Animals capable of living in both land and underwater, as well as reptilian animals.
  • Aerian: Animals that are capable of flight due to possessing wings

Base Taliyan Features

  • Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.
  • Age. Although taliyans reach physical maturity at the same rate as humans, taliyans begin to age slowly by their 100th year, and may even begin to age slower if they have balanced their time between beorc and laguz. On average, a taliyan may live between a modest 200 years, or live for as long as 1000 years on extraordinary cases.
  • Alignment. Taliyans protect their own people before they serve the interests of others, remaining fairly neutral within any territory. However, taliyans are capable of performing both good and lawful, and chaotic and evil actions if it serves to protect their family, tribe, and community from harm, real or perceived.
  • Size. Taliyans may stand from a diminutive 4 feet to as tall as 7 feet. You size is Medium.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Taliyan. Taliyan weaves growls, chirps, or hisses with guttural, scratchy, or sing-song voices, depending on species.
  • Formshift. You are capable of transforming between your humanoid beorc form and your animalistic laguz form through the use of a Focusing Stone, which you possess innately. As an action, you may shift between your beorc and laguz form, performing a short ritual with your focusing stone to successfully complete the process. The following effects take place:
    • (Into Laguz) Your currently-equipped weapons and armor are subsumed into your form, allowing you to gain their benefits without physically wielding and wearing them.
    • (Into Beorc) Your subsumed equipment and belongings are returned to their previous state prior to Formshifting.
    • (Into Laguz) You gain a set of boons and banes of your choice (at character creation).
    • (Into Laguz) You are able to use the Taliyan Evolution features chosen at Level 1 and 5, and from the Evolutionary Mutation feat.
  • Formshifting Boons and Banes. Formshifting into one's Laguz form carries a benefit as they adapt themselves to a new situaton. For the duration of your Laguz form, you gain the effects of a Boon until you Formshift into your Beorc form. Choose a Boon from the following options:
    • Powerful. You draw upon your hidden power as your transform into your Laguz form. Your attack rolls (melee, ranged, spell, or otherwise) and damage rolls are increased by 1d4 of the same type.
    • Durable. Your coat thickens and body toughens as you transform into your Laguz form. You gain temporary hit points equal to half your level and your AC increases by 1.
    • Agile. Your limbs loosen and stride quickens while in Laguz form. You gain 5 feet of movement speed of all speeds you possess while in this form, and you may add 1d4 to your initiative rolls.
    • Stealthy. You blend into the background to an extent, and you take to the shadows well in Laguz form. You gain advantage on making Dexterity (Stealth) checks and you may use the Hide action even if you are only lightly obscured.
  • As a result of the effects of the vaccine for the Feral Plague, Formshifting into the Laguz form carries a weakness that may counteracts its benefits. For the duration of your Laguz form, you gain the effects of a Bane until you Formshift into your Beorc form. Choose a Bane from the following options:
    • Weak. Your strikes are sluggish and your body draws less strength as you transform. You subtract 1d6 from any attack rolls.
    • Fragile. Your sensitivity to pain increases as you transform. You take an additional 1d6 damage of the same type from any source of damage.
    • Sluggish. Your limbs tighten, and the world seems to move at a faster pace. You subtract 1d6 from your initiative rolls, and all of your movement speeds decreases by 5 feet.
    • Witless. Transforming into your Laguz form dulls your senses. You subtract 1d4 from any Intelligence or Wisdom checks, skills, or saves, excluding Wisdom (Perception).
  • Natural Instincts. Your heritage lends you the collective knowledge of your ancestors with regards to an environment, to which your ancestors have explored and made their home. Choose one of the following environments: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to the chosen environments, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Spirit Communion. You draw upon the spirits surrounding you to guide your steps and aid your actions. You may choose to add +1 to any skill check or attack roll a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus + 4 (minimum of 6 times) once per check or attack roll. This feature is restored upon the completion of a long rest.

Subrace: Terran Taliyan Features

The ancestry of landstriding animals; taliyans of this species tend to be the sturdiest and strongest physically of all the taliyans, while also possessing the quickest on-foot speeds of any taliyan. Terran taliyans are the most numerous subrace of the taliyans, and may be considered the most flexible.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Landbound. The Terran taliyans have grown to be able to traverse multiple different challenges on land, be it large heights or tricky terrain. You gain proficiency in either Athletics or Survival.
  • Honed Weapons. Your natural weapons are honed and ready for combat. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, and they deal 1d6 damage of your choice of physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing). You may use your Strength or Dexterity score in determining the to-hit and damage bonuses of the natural weapons. The damage dice is increased to 1d8 at level 5.

Subrace: Amfibiu Taliyan Features

The ancestry of amphibious animals; taliyans of this species are the most magically-inclined of the taliyan species, having been the first of the race to be able to cast spells while remaining in laguz form. Amfibiu are capable of living underwater and on land, and possess the most animal-like beorc forms of all taliyans.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
  • Arcane Heritage. You are touched with natural magics, able to draw upon them at will. You know one cantrip from the Druid spell list. You may choose what your spellcasting ability for that cantrip is.
  • Amphibious. You can breathe air and water. You can also see normally underwater with regards to light conditions.

Subrace: Aerian Taliyan Features

The ancestry of flying animals; taliyans of this species are consiered the most agile and the greatest scouts of taliyans, capable of scaling any height and flying through long distances in feats of agility and acrobatics that most could only dream of. Aerian taliyans also possess an ability to hypnotize an opponent with their birdcall/birdsong, augmenting their voice with their natural language. Aerian taliyans always possesses wings in both beorc and laguz forms, and are considered the most fantastical of the taliyans.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a flying speed of 30 feet.
  • Birdsong. As an action, you may choose to target one creature within 30 feet with your birdsong, attempting to hypnotize them. The target must make a Wisdom save against your save DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be charmed for 1 minute. The target may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, and whenever it takes damage from a source, a target can repeat the saving throw. When a creature succeeds on the saving throw, the charm effect on it ends. While this feature is active, you cannot cast any spells that require verbal components to cast. You may choose to end your Birdsong on any of your turns after using the feature.

Taliyan Evolutions

These features may only be taken by the specific subrace of each Taliyan, as long as the level prerequisite is met for each feature or if the taliyan chooses the Evolutionary Mutation feat.  

Terran Taliyan Features

1st Level Features

  • Menacing Growl. Your growl gains a deep, rumbling inflection, capable of striking momentary fear into your foe. As an action, choose one creature that can hear you within 30 feet. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC: 8 + prof. bonus + Constitution modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Deflecting Plate. Your internals are protected by a plate of bone, deflecting assaults into your vitals. As a reaction, you may decrease any single instance of damage you take by 1d4 until the start of your next turn. This feature can be used number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up (minimum of 1). This feature may be used while the taliyan is in Beorc form.
  • Chameleon's Presence. Your body adapts to your background, blending in for short periods of time at will. When using the Hide action within the environment chosen for your Natural Instincts feature, you are considered hidden even when you are only lightly obscured. In addition, you may use the Hide action as a bonus action, and spells that have a verbal component do not break stealth while you are hidden.

5th Level Features

  • Mark of the Predator. You gain a taste and scent for blood, and your instincts hone in on potential prey to your might. You may cast Hunter's Mark once per day. When you mark a new creature with the hunter's mark spell after a previously marked target's hit points is reduced to 0 or below, you may move up to half your speed and use your natural weapons as an attack as part of the same bonus action up to a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus, rounded up (minimum 1). This feature is restored upon the completion of a long rest.
  • Deadly Weapons. Your natural weapons are blessed by your progenitor god/dess, gaining a magical afterglow to them. The damage of your Natural Weapons increases to 1d10, and they are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. In addition, your blessing grants you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed that may be used in both Beorc and Laguz forms.
  • Hunter's Eye. You possess a hunter's instincts, able to stalk and track your prey without fail. Your senses are sharpened, and your pupils are slitted. As an action, choose one creature that you can see within 60 ft. You gain advantage on any checks related to tracking that creature, and if you are hidden from that creature, you may use your bonus action to study the creature. Studying a creature in this manner reveals the following: Damage Vulnerabilities, Damage Immunities, Damage Resistances, and Condition Immunities.

Amfibiu Taliyan Features

1st Level Features

  • Poisoned Body. Your skin becomes poisonous and you develop poisonous quills at parts of your body, harmful unless you choose to suppress your body's secretory functions. When a creature within 30 feet of you damages you, you may use your reaction to poison them in response, and they must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage. The damage increases to 2d6 poison damage at level 5.
  • Healer's Ward. Your hands are webbed and warm to those who are friendly to you. You gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to your level. As an action, you may touch a creature and draw power from that pool to grant them a number of temporary hit points, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
  • Companionship. Your ancestors were known for the constant presence of their familiars, as if they were extensions of their own selves. You know the Find Familiar spell and may cast this spell without expending a spell slot once per day. You may choose to make this spiritual familiar appear corporeal. This feature may be used while the taliyan is in Beorc form.

5th Level Features

  • Unleash. Your formshifting process quickens, enabling you to quickly cast a spell as you shift. Your blood boils with energy as you shift into your Laguz form. When you use your Formshift feature to transform into your Laguz form, you may cast a cantrip as a bonus action on that same turn.
  • Reinforcement. Your magic bears the signature of ancestors who have dedicated themselves to protecting their people. You gain a set of antennae that can point towards the location of your allies within 60 feet. As a bonus action, you create a protective ward on one ally that reduces incoming damage by 1d4 until the end of your next turn. This feature may be used a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (or Wisdom modifier if none), and is restored upon the completion of a long rest.
  • Alchemy Expert. You have a natural talent for creating potions with your own two hands. You are resistant to poisons that result from handling chemical and alchemical ingredients and reagents, and you are proficient with an herbalism kit. When crafting a potion which rarity is uncommon or lower, you reduce the time and gold cost for crafting that potion by half. If the potion requires a spell to craft it, then you may choose to use a scroll of that spell to craft that potion instead of learning the spell. This feature may be used while the taliyan is in Beorc form.

Aerian Taliyan Features

1st Level Features

  • Razored Wings. The tips of your feathers are sharpened to a razor point, capable of piercing through armor. You may use your action to flourish your wings, firing a set of razor-sharp feathers at a single target within 30 feet. You are proficient with this attack, and it deals 1d4 piercing damage. The damage increases to 1d8 and the range increases to 60 feet at 5th level. This feature may be used while the taliyan is in Beorc form.
  • Avoidance. You develop a set of behaviors that encourage avoiding conflict rather than facing it. You may take the Disengage action as a bonus action, but you cannot willingly move closer to a creature that is hostile to you as part of this bonus action.
  • Galdrar. You have learned the ancient invigorating songs of the ancient Serenes herons, and your voice gains a sing-song inflection to it. Choose one creature within 60 ft. You may use your Birdsong action to add a 1d4 to any skill check of the creature's choice for 1 minute. You may only have one creature benefit from this at a time. This feature cannot be used at the same time as the Angelic Voice feature.

5th Level Features

  • Harassing Flight. Your talons are capable of digging into and perching on even the hardiest of substances. When you attempt to grapple or shove a creature, you may use a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check instead. In addition, attempting to shove a creature doubles the proficiency bonus of the ability used, and you can move your full speed while a creature is grappled.
  • Elusive. Your wings become more powerful with a smaller profile, capable of carrying you through short distances with a great speed. You may take the Dodge and Dash action as a bonus action. In addition, your flying speed increases by 10 ft. in both Beorc and Laguz forms.
  • Angelic Voice. Your voice is heavenly, soothing those who willingly hear and listen. You radiate an aura of warmth as you sing. When you use your Birdsong feature, you may choose any 3 creatures that can hear you within 30 feet. Those 3 creatures may add a 1d4 to their saving throws for 1 minute, and gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. This feature may be used once per day, and is restored upon the completion of a long rest. This feature cannot be used at the same time as the Galdrar feature.

Taliyan Racial Feats

In lieu of taking an Ability Score Increase, a taliyan may choose to take this feat:
  • Evolutionary Mutation. You may add a feature from any of the Taliyan Evolutions regardless of one's own subrace, as long as you meet the level requirement for that feature.

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