Venya The War of the Wood

The War of the Wood

Military: War


A war between the forest of what is now the Elyswer and an insectoid race called the Nari'Kit. During this time great battles were fought and destruction wrought across the eastern side of Lenwir, some scars of which exist until this day.

Before the human migration to the east of Lenwir the land was divided between five nations. Aol in what is now the Frigid Peaks, The human city of Talimot which has become Engelor, The Elyswer, which covered The Riverlands, and northern Nemir at the time, Luren in the east which occupied half of what is now Rednan and the Swarm of Kilithit which spanned from the Flametip Mountains to Blueglow lake.

These nations shared a deep love for the earth, holding Teora and the other Creator Gods above all else. These kingdoms had grown beside each other for centuries and had found relative peace since the Cataclysms riotous years, a peace they felt, the war-like nations to the west of Lenwir didn't share.

But all things cannot last, and to this day many dispute the spark that igniting this war and changed eastern Lenwir forever. Even those that lived through it, for the elves of the Elsywer and Luren are long lived indeed, struggle to comprehend the acts that led to so much destruction.

It began with the sickening of a sacred tree, one on the border of the forest, and no one could divine why. Before long, those around it withered away and the glade collapsed into the ground, taking elves and beasts alike with it, to their deaths. Those that escaped told of tunnels and giant worm-like creatures burrowing through the ground, creating caverns and killing the roots of the trees.

The forest lords at the time sent for the Kilithit ambassador, since it was upon their border and demanded an explanation. The creature, who had been their friend for many decades, spurned their summons, sending a disgruntled message about land rights and left the Elyswer, returning to the hives. The forest sent emissaries to the nearest hive to meet with the Brood Queen there and discover the meaning behind their ambassadors message, for they sought to resolve the issue. But those that went, never returned.

Soon word spread of attacks on border towns and the destruction of more groves and trees, their sacred wood being carried off into the swarm's lands. It was then, that the Elyswer went to war, for these things could not be forgiven and ancient trees could not be re-grown.

The forces of the Elyswer were ill-equipped and far outnumbered by the swarms of Kilithit, though they fought for every inch as the swarm eroded away the northern forest (an area now called The Redwood). As the swarm approached one of the great trees' sister 'Paliar', the Elyswer called upon their allies for aid. By now, the war had raged for several years and the other kingdoms had seen the death wrought, pushing for peace, but gaining no traction with the Kilithit, who refused to see any delegations, or allow them access to their land.

It was not long, till 'Paliar' was lost. It burned, and all within perished. The forest began to die as the swarm consumed and dragged the wood away. It was then, that the other nations realised they had no other choice. That the march of the swarm would come for them too. They lent their forces to the fray and even with their strength, magic and power, the war raged on for sixty five more years.

Nation lines were redrawn and broken hundreds of times, families and beasts were wiped from existence as the war raged across the east of Lenwir. From the desolation of Nordver (the northern forest, currently The Riverlands) and the siege of Talimot to the battle of Blueglow lake and the scouring of Hive Jakilik.

Eventually, the Union of the East gained dominance and as the war began to turn against the swarm they called on more twisted magics, mutating their forms and desolating the land through dark rituals. It was then without a doubt some interference had turned these creatures from their original purpose, twisting them against the others, though to what ends, no one knew. It was decided that no stain of this corruption could remain and with the memory of what they had done fresh in everyone's mind, Eastern powers burned the hives of Kilithit, purging their stain from the world and ending the war.

Related Location
Continent: Lenwir
Related Species
The Nari'Kit
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