What Lies Within - Zylnan Plot in Venya | World Anvil

What Lies Within - Zylnan

Personal Quest - Zylnan


Since that day in Sabal, there has been a chatter in my head. And powers I don't understand. I never truly belonged, but now I find less so. I fear my new friends will look on my with fear if I was to tell them, but for now I am useful and I can help them, but this... this feeling is something I need to know more of.  


Entry 1

It was peace, for the first time. The chatter stopped within the crystal domain, like it could not reach me. Had that place not been so inhospitable I might have stayed.  

Entry 2

It's gone for good. We stepped into the temple and the sound hasn't returned. Might it have something to do with the dragons gift? I will never remove it.  

Entry 3

Within the forest I saw a rune, one familiar, yet not, but I still knew its meaning. It said 'return'. Return where? No others could see it, perhaps I was daydreaming. It has been a long walk.

Entry 4

The stream of Murimem told me I need to be careful. That my actions are my own. Who elses would they be? It said there was darkness around me, could it see it? That shape I saw in the desert. Is it upon me? I hope not, but I fear for myself and those around me.

Entry 5

Another one, this time floating in the Lenlin. It said 'Come back'. I hear nothing and feel nothing else. Why am I seeing these runes? And why now?  

Entry 6

The moment I stepped into this tower I felt a sense of familiarity, like I'd walked these halls, knew these rooms and those that once dwelt within, and those that now dwell here.  

Entry 7

Upon the death of the bloodspawn I felt their power, and I seized it. It has invigorated me, made me strong. With each of their deaths my power grew. I know not why this happened, but is it wrong to seize their strength and make it my own? Why give up the chance to use that strength against the darkness they serve. I know it to be right.


6th Sirian 2501AC
(By the Elven Calendar)

Quest Status



Zylnan Ceda
Parent Plot

Plot Progress

  • The sounds in my head have stopped, though creatures more powerful than I have told me of a darkness about me.
  • I see runes telling me to 'Return' and 'Come back' where no others can and I know not what they mean.
  • I have absorbed the power of the bloodspawn and I have grown. This power will help me slay those that stand before our quest.


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