The Seltdark Geographic Location in Venya | World Anvil

The Seltdark

Written by Yerran

A name for the unusual forest that grows upon the largest island of The Shattered Shelf (which is also sometimes referred to as 'Seltdark Isle'). This forest is incredibly thick and difficult to traverse. Vines and thick roots drape from the trees canopy to the ground, anchoring trees to the stone of the island and giving them the ability to withstand the powerful storms.    

The Forest

The root like vines of the trees bleed a blue liquid that will rebind vines when cut. Any that are severed will drip this blue sap to form new binding roots, meaning that any path cleared could be covered again in several days. This doesn't seem particular to any trees. So one tree that is severed could later link to a different tree. This has led travelling herablists and woodsman to hypothesize that this forest is a singular living entity, or the roots are themselves a different entity that has traversed the island and lashes the forest to the island for its own purposes. Only a single type of tree grows across the Seltdark and the introduction of any others results in their death soon after. These unique tree known as "Kilrion Trees', cannot be grown outside of the Shattered Shelf and also perish soon after plantation.   Across the forest floor grow leafy bushes and thick sharp reeds that choke paths and any clear ground, making any attempts to traverse or navigate the forest incredibly difficult. Though the thickness of these trees, bushes and reeds has likely developed as a safe encolsure against the The Rage of Castellian that occasionally plagues the island. This bound system likely keeps the forest bound to the ground during bouts of gravity reversal as well as offer sanctury for the animals and protection from the more deadly aspects of the storm, as the forest seems resistance to most of these natural anomolies.

The Wildlife

Amongst the strange forests of the Seltdark and across the Shattered Shelf exists a range of animals unknown to other places. These animals come in two varieties: Large creatures with stone-like skin that push their ways through the thick underdrush and usually house in holes or tunnels beneath the trees trunks; or incredible light and dextrous creatures that skirt about the canopy and vertical vines and roots, living in the dense leaves of the forest. Many of these animals have adapted to strange environments, harbouring either sharp venomous claws and teeth to hunt the stone skinned creatures, hook liked appendages and tails to grab the vines and roots of the forest, or thick tusks and trunks to dig into the incredibly hard soil and push through the tight bushes. On occasion Thundergulls will roost in the upper canopy, but even these creatures are wary of the dangers that lurk beneath the canopy of the Seltdark.  

The Vorago

The blue blood that leaks from the trees is called 'Kilrion Sap' and is gathered by the Vorago in certain places. They use it for sealing ships, roofs and houses, as well as making unbroken wooden structures. Though the substance cannot remain liquid for a long time, and if kept it will solidify to a thick wood. One of the ancient Vorago Clansman's tribes (known as the 'Darkwood Clan') has ever lived amongst the deep forests, building sealed wooden buildings high in the canopy, using the vertical roots and vines to anchor their homes and using the Kilrion Sap to make sealed buildings and bridges. This provided incredibly security from the Yeshi who never sought to enter the forests and is the Vorago Clan that has preserved the most of their traditional history. Thought they rarely communicate with the other Vorago Clans, staying to their forests, rarely attending the festivals or councils and being extremely poor sailors in comparison to the others.

Type: Forest

The Darkwood Clan

This tribe stays apart from many of the politics and life of the Vorago, often avoiding the issues that affect the other tribes. During the Yeshi occupation they were alone amongst the forest, occasionally taking those that fled and survived into their clan, though they kept their traditions and way of life, and because of that, are now very different from the current Vorago. It was only during the times of Castellian Harlscurl, The First Stormrider where they truly united with the others, persuaded by the sea-witches that their saviour had arrived, and he approached and treated with them personally. He utilized them during the The Stormheart Rebellion through island infiltration and ambushes, never subjecting them to fight upon the water, where they have no experience.

    With his death and passing they returned to the forests of the Seltdark and other islands, establishing smaller settlements and outposts where they were rather then returning home in some cases. It is only in recent years with The Vorago's attempts at unity beneath the call of Stormheld Bastion that they have once more been approached and are taking a more active role in this new order.


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