The Dracis Collective Organization in Venya | World Anvil

The Dracis Collective

'Turn from war and build a better way. One of safety, plenty and harmony.' - Oath of The Dracis Collective

'Ash drifts like light snow from the caldera, an almost laughable comparison to the lives the Dracis held while chained, as if Aedun's blessing has fallen doubly on those that suffered beneath his fallen apprentice. I have found him to be a merciful god. Ships slip through the glittering blue seas of the islands, populating these spare islands with a vibrance long since missing from these shores. It is refreshing to find those that seek the betterment of life, of the world, as if they have never known the hardships it holds. Let us hope those to come do not shake their resolve.'  


A failed rebellion turned to flight was the spark that set the wayward dracanoids on their path and led to the founding of The Dracis Collective. The long oppressed people originated upon the Isles of Aedun and toiled away within the forges of Charagilis, the Ash city. Constructed within the caldera of a mighty volcano their society was ruled by the Ash Priests in 'Aedun', The Creator God of the Forges, name, though that was a lie meant to subvert the creations of the populace. Instead they laboured away in Khur Renger's name, crafting machines and weapons of war and destruction. These were used to conquer the northern Isle of Aedun, with sights on the rest. Though they also sold their lesser contraptions of death to the smaller nations for them to use in their continuing struggle, while the Ash Priests bide their time to strike.

Many objected to this work, or had ideas different to those of their rulers, though any who publicly voiced objections vanished, whether to death or into the deep mines of the volcanic island, no one ever knew. This civil unrest instead fomented beneath the surface through a secret organisation called 'The Coldstone Order'. Eventually they rose up in protest, led by Narduur Angleforge, but through a deep betrayal their plans were known to the Ash Priests and they fought in the cities streets, no longer for freedom but for their lives. Fortunately Narduur had made secret preparations in this event, and those that escaped the battle of the city made for a flotilla of hidden ships and sailed for a new land, one he'd only seen in visions.  

A New World

Dozens of weeks passed before they spotted land once more, sailing north-east from the Isles of Aedun. Those that first spotted the land despaired, certain they had circumvented the globe and found their way back to the Charagilis so similar was the lay of the land to their home. Though Narduur drove them on, disembarking on an empty chain of barren volcanic islands. Ruins protruded from the sands of the desert but all lay deserted. It was here that they founded their first towns and cities. Their ships sailing across the four larger islands and dozens of smaller to settle and found a new society. This world was harsh, hot and barren, but with the ocean winds on their face they knew they had found a freedom never possible beneath the Ash Priests rule.  

An Oath of Pacifism

Beneath the oppression of the Ash Priests the crafters of the Dracis Collective made machines of death and destruction for war. Upon the refugees arrival in Lenwir they vowed to never, by their hand, create items of war and carnage again. All that fled took up the oath and since then any works of theirs are only for the protection of others or to improve their lives. This has been a particularly difficult oath to maintain, though through their joining of the Unitum Pact others have taken up defense of The Dracis Collective allowing them to continue their laws of peace, in both crafting and battle. Several born since their flight have however, forsworn this oath, instead leaving the islands of the Dracis Collective and moving to their ally's states, seeking knowledge in combat and battle.  

Religion and Worship

Those of The Dracis Collective worship Aedun, The Forgemaster, a creator god credited with craftsmanship of impeccable quality both in and out of war. It was once the god that the Ash Priests swore they worshipped when they toiled away in Charagilis, but that was a subversion.

With their arrival in Lenwir they learned of this betrayal and worked to undo the damage done on their souls. They crafted works of art and ingenuity in their form of prayer and have since made it a regular festival, known as Falska Nox. This form of worship allows them to imbue Aedun into their work, while celebrating him and through no crafting of lethal machines or items, redeem, not just their souls, but also those of their ancestors, who were forced to create items of such desolation.

Role in The Unitum Pact

An unusual player amongst those of the Unitum Pact, they possess no existing enemies upon Lenwir, though have struggled with pirates, raiders and larger kingdoms seeking to manipulate and utilise the amazing craftsmanship and innovation of their small kingdom. The Unitum Pact provided them with security and safety, guaranteed by High King Thardin Ironshield of The Dwarven Enclave himself, who attended their signing and steered the kingdom under its wing with the help of Narduur Angleforge. The two became fast friends, feeling instant kinship, and many dwarf crafters have since made the trek to The Dracis Collective to learn from their new and incredible skills, as well as draconoids travelling to Khan Zorak. In both kingdoms they feel a kinship to the other and can learn much in their friendship. In honour of their friendship Thardin established a dwarven fortress upon the main island as well as garrisons across the smaller settlements to protect the pacifistic collective from raiders, pirates and their neighbours to the north, The Kylithotal Empire.

It may seem odd for the Dracis to join a protective pact, and though they could create weapons of war for their allies they have forsworn such a role, instead crafting contraptions of protection and other uses for their allies both in and out of combat. And just because they have forsworn the crafting of weapons by their hands does not mean they can not advise or share knowledge of such things with their allies. However, some of those born after the rebellion, have decided to ignore this oath of pacifism and moved from the isles to the other nations of the Unitum Pact, learning to fight or participate in their allies war in whatever way they can. A small order of those utilising their own skills in combat and war has arisen, using the old name of those that once stood against the Ash Priest's suppression, dubbing themselves 'Coldstone Knights'.


2327 A.C.  


The isles of 'Sak Maxus', 'Sak Ernik', 'Sak Noro' and 'Sak Minus' below
Xieyin Island


18,700 (dragonoid - kobold, dragonborne, dracis)

Narduur Angleforge

The prime founder of the Dracis Collective Narduur Angleforge orchestrated an uprising against the oppressive regime of the ash priests that ultimately failed due to a deep betrayal. He fled with those that survived and hundreds of younglings, setting sail across the vast ocean, following visions of freedom. He soon arrived on the southern islands of Xieyin, discovering them abandoned and their climate not unlike their home.

The faction settled and have been guided by Narduur since. As prime ruler and blessed with unnatural charisma he has led the Dracis Collective through difficult times and tailored their alliance with the Unitum Pact for their own protection. Though now approaching three hundred and fifty years old his life is coming to its end, and without him the future of the Dracis is unknown, though he has given them a second chance, one of freedom and life.

Geopolitical, Free City

Mark of the Dark Smith

Something that once was celebrated is now a bitter reminder of their long suffered oppression and life of lies. The mark of the dark smith has only appeared once in the two hundred years since The Dracis Collective fled Charagilis. This blessing of Khur Rengar was one of honour amongst the ash priests and symbolised a coming life of greatness. Those blessed were often taken away, pampered and cared for, never to be seen by those of the city again. Though with its appearance in the Dracis Collective it became clear as to the symptoms of being touched by such a dark destroyer god. Those afflicted lose themselves to madness, every moment of their lives spent crafting unholy and destructive machines of pain and horror, until they work themselves to death or shackle their souls with their hellish machines through a process called sublimation.

Falska Nox 

A four week festival that ends upon the night of Aestiva Day (Midsummer). The festival is one of creation and reveres the creationist myth amongst the dracanoid of the Dracis Collective, as well as celebrates their lives free of Khar Rengar and the Ash Priests. It features a parade to the top of the nearest volcano, an offering of failed and disappointing works from the previous year and the creation of something better, presented on Midsummer. The magical influence of Aedun is shared through the volcano's fires bestowing approval and imbuing the craftsmen with knowledge of their blueprint as well as how to fashion magic into its workings forever.
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Credited artists: ThankYouFantasyPictures

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