Sab Adul Settlement in Venya | World Anvil

Sab Adul

Sab Adul sits upon The Shattered Shelf and suffers from such a fate. Though many small expeditions are mounted into the shattered shelf to bring back items of intrigue and artefacts dredged from the ocean floor. Frequent magical storms, emerging from the maelstrom (referred to by the Stormheld Bastion as The Rage of Castellian), lash the city at regular intervals. To avoid constant destruction of sections of the city, huge copper rods rise high into the sky from all buildings. They attract the lightning of these magical storms and bury it into the ground, where the Institute of Alchemical Research operates. Warrens of tunnels and warehouses exist beneath the city, where magically infused experiments are done, uniting the magic of the storm with chemical elements in attempts to make potions and elixirs that can do amazing and terrifying things. A branch of the institute called the The Purple Dagger has been training in the use of these potions and elixirs to create a combative force that can operate in the shadows as spies and assassins.
Large city


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