My clan in danger - Tyrvaan Plot in Venya | World Anvil

My clan in danger - Tyrvaan

Personal Quest - Tyrvaan


I have set out into the world, though I wish not to. I would stay and fight. If not for Tyr's guidance, and that of the elders I would not go. They send me for aid, for we have heard naught of the outside world for millennia. Do they fair so badly. It does not matter, so long as our temple stands, we fight, and protect. But now they come with haste, tearing and ripping, their wails a nightmare. I have lost three friends in recent weeks, and more will perish before I return. So, I must march through the mountains of fire, and find the aid we need. Or something to turn the tide.  

Entry One

The world is ALIVE. And more, they know naught of 'The Host'. How has this come to pass. Is my clan cursed, to suffer and die for eternity. I must learn more.  

Entry Two

I have met another, an elf-kin. Quiet he is. I like that. Zylnan Ceda his name is. He was marching alone in the sand, as if come from battle. I will not ask. A warrior does not. Another's past is theirs, but I see his scars match mine, in and out, and that makes us comrades.  

Entry Three

The world burns where I tread. An inn aflame and within flows the blood of innocents. I am indeed cursed, though Tyr pushes me on, so my purpose must be divine. Some fought against the death when they could have run. That is strength. To fight for what is right, when you can flee. Yes, that is justice.  

Entry Four

A manling spoke of an amulet and others of visions and prophecy. I am dubious, but I feel Tyr's guiding hand. It pushes me on. Perhaps this is it. The key to my clans salvation. I can guide these wayward souls, and protect them.  

Entry Five

'The trail winds through chasm and cave, and at our heels drags shadow. With my mace I wield might, my shield protection and on I march the light of Tyr as my guide. The light of justice.' We have come to the gate of crystal.  

Entry Six

I felt fear. For the first time in millennia. Within a realm of darkness absolute, without my guide. I must grow. I must be stronger.  

Entry Seven

BETRAYAL! Justice will find you Ravin Neldir 

Entry Eight

We have the amulet, though we have lost friends. The price of power is loss. I like it not. I only hope our task not in vain, but hope has led me on thus far and grace will lead me on.


The market tells much. Many rumours and tales. War has begun, but it never ended for me. This war does not trouble me. Its location does. The rumours tell of war between Sabal and Nemir, a tragedy for the waste of life. Certainly not approved by Tyr. But the manner of Sabal's invasion. Flying longma over The Flametip Mountains. That is my home, and nothing can fly above dragon territory without permission. I do not believe they gained it, for my order would oppose such wanton death and destruction. So what has befallen them. I must investigate, with all haste.


39th Jolgine 2501AC

Quest Status



Parent Plot

Quest Progress

  • You have gained friends and a powerful artefact. All of which can help your clan, but you must get them to the The Flametip Mountains first.


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