Ballad of the Ashborne Desert Document in Venya | World Anvil

Ballad of the Ashborne Desert

Within the book a passage draws your eye, one of an ancient tale passed down from a time before Sabal. As you hum the tune it holds a familiarity to you.

Ballads of the Ashborne Desert

High in the halls of those who are dead,
A chance of salvation was made.
One for the lost and one for the living,
And one who would banish the host.

For when the world, hung on the edge,
And all struggled and died,
The wizards of heaven, summoned their strength,
And bound it within Elanai.

She only wanted the might
To combat the creatures and fight,
Her hands began to burn bright
And burned the horrors of night,
With a wave she vanquished the plight
And her body sickened with blight.

They fought for their lives and all of the world,
Elenai at the fore.
The host fled before her might and all those fallen did serve.

She only wanted the might
To combat the creatures and fight,
Her hands began to burn bright
And burned the horrors of night,
With a wave she vanquished the plight
And her body sickened with blight.

Beware the gift and all that it brings,
Its power isn’t a lie.
Though the fate of those who wield its strength,
Will suffer like Elenai.


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