Ailkhan Battle Signs Language in Venya | World Anvil

Ailkhan Battle Signs

Written by Yerran


Originally designed by the clansmen before the founding of the The Red Ushad the language was simple to learn and execute in a variety of situations. It was designed to fill a variety of functions amongst the clansman; whether that be hunting, patrolling, scouting or avoiding Echo Wyverns. Its implementation was so successful in saving the lives of the clansmen that its usage still persists to this day. Those that walked The Crimson Canyons learnt long ago that all sounds, particularly voices, echo around the canyons and can easily alert others to your comings or goings, including predators of a most dangerous sort.

By learning this language the clansmen managed to avoid confrontations with a lot of the dreaded beasts and monsters that call the ravines and stacks home, as well as better stalk and fight those that sought to raid their lands. The learning of this silent language is now a must of any Ailkhan initiates, who must be fluent before they are allowed out on patrol


The concept of the language is simple, but boasts over a thousand meanings. It is done through the raising of fingers, where each combination of fingers represents a word or situation, usually reserved to the kind of vocabulary you would have on a battlefield (e.g. weather, terrain, enemies, number, weapons, etc). Therefore raising the thumb on your left hand and your index finger on the other can mean something wildly different to raising your thumb and index finger on opposite hands.

Usually the signer leads with one finger and then a combination of fingers join it. The first finger usually indicates a topic or setting that is then described by the following fingers. Though those that are particularly versed in this form of communication don't need the leading finger and can divine the meaning from all the selected fingers being raised together.

Alternate Form

An alternate shorthand form has also been developed though it only uses one hand, making its signs much more limited (31 signs). This form is usually only performed in moments of complete stillness and silence, when one, or both hands are gripping something else. Even with both hands around a rope or battle-axe those experienced enough can still move their fingers in a rhythmic pattern to create signs.

Ailkhan (Ashblood Warriors)

These warriors represent the military arm of the The Red Ushad  and though their numbers may not match that of the other nations, their shamanistic magics, guerilla tactics and knowledge of the landscape has kept those of the The Crimson Canyons safe for hundreds of years.

True Speak

The traditionalists among The Red Ushad consider this language of silence pure, referring to it as 'True Speak'. Many find themselves more comfortable when signing in this way and sometimes teach their spouses so they can, themselves, be more vulnerable and close to their partners.
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Credited artists: Alanfrijns


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