Traductori Spell in Ventus | World Anvil
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The Traductori spell belongs to the Wood element of Magic, as it is a spell that affects living organisms. This spell is most commonly used by members of the Magic Council, diplomats, and international merchants.   Traductori is an enchantment that affects the brain as well as the tongue of the individual.   Traductori is difficult to cast, so only seasoned mages are able to make full use of this spell. Many mages make a living making bits and baubbles enchanted with Traductori, allowing the wearer to be enchanted with the spell whenever they wear the enchanted jewelry. In multicultural nations, such jewels are constantly in high demand; many mages dedicate their entire careers making just such enchanted jewels.


Traductori allows the enchanted person to understand any and every language they hear. Furthermore, when they speak, their listeners will invariable understand whatever the enchanted speaker is saying.

Side/Secondary Effects

Stronger versions of Traductori are known to allow the enchanted to understand animals and plants. Weaker castings of Traductori are known to cause the enchanted to become slightly delirious temporarily. Failed castings might leave a person deaf and mute for a few days.


Traductori is mostly invisible, but less trained mages tend to leave a green rune on the enchanted's tongue. If a ring carries the enchantment, it'll turn green.


Traductori is drawn by combining the powers of Wood and Wind.


Traductori was first recorded being used by the Kuksolveki race in the year 1 First Era. According to the few surviving accounts from that age, the Kuksolveki used the spell to commune with nature. They taught the Elves, who in turn taught the Humans, who in turn taught the other races how to use Traductori.

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