The Great Hunt Geographic Location in Vearelde | World Anvil
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The Great Hunt

The great hunt is one of the most revered constellations in the sky, used by many different peoples across Vearelde as a bringer of omens and good luck.  


The Great Hunt is a large constellation that consists of the conjunction of two minor constellations, Epiphos the Deer, and Dertax the Huntsman. The constellation appears very bright upon the sky and is easily seen during the spring, summer and early autumn in the northern lands.   The single most distinguishing feature of the constellation is that it appears to be moving across the sky, the Deer leading and the Huntsman following. This procession through the sky is also what has given the constellation its name.  

Physical origin

The Great hunt actually consists of two groups of stars that formed as part of the same moving group and therefore the transverse velocities of the stars are quite similar. The Deer consists of 6 stars whose angular velocity is slightly higher than the main moving group (9 stars) in the Huntsman. This means the prey will eventually get away :)   The primary reason why the constellation is special is that the distance to the moving group is quite low (only of the order of a parsec) meaning that the angular velocities of the stars are high enough that the constellations move across the sky fast enough to be noticeable on the timescale of decades.  

Religious significance

There are many significances to this constellation for various people around the world. Primarily the rising of the Deer in the spring marks the coming of the new year, and the newborn foals and cubs in the forest. After the deer the Huntsman rises over the horison, marking the coming of the summer hunting season and the plentiful times to come.   On a longer timescale the motions of the hunt as it races across the sky and through the other constellations are interpreted by the wizards and fortunetellers as omens for the future. For instance the dawn that ended the long night, a ten thousand year period of darkness, was predicted from the hunt leaving the constellation of the owl.

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