Rock Danger - Ask Me Anything | Freehold Communications in Vazdimet Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:22   Edited on Mon, Oct 10th 2022 05:45

Rock Danger - Ask Me Anything

Interplanetary superstar Rock Danger here. I'm ready to answer any questions you want to throw at me.   No spoilers for movies. Let's keep this friendly. ;)
On a scale of "probably" to "let's do this right now," how likely is it that the Ambition's ramming maneuver from the recent attack over Baden will appear in your next movie? 😉
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:33

That's up to people a lot more important than me, but I'm definitely going to be pushing for it! So freaking awesome! You guys used that ship like a knife. :D
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:38

Heard a rumor extras were gonna be requested for a couple of city scenes soooon! Any idea where someone might go for that casting call for "passersby"--and are you gonna be on set? Asking for a friend.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:46

Keep an eye on the official Rock Danger site - I make sure that all casting calls for extras get posted there. :D   And of course I'll be on set! I love spending time with fans. I'll even sign some stuff when the cameras aren't rolling. Tell your friend I look forward to meeting them. ;)
You ever want to talk about it, I'm more than happy to the next time our schedules align. 😉 I have a few ramming techniques of my own I could share, too. 😏
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 01:55

I'm always up for learning new ramming techniques, lovely Felix.   I should really give you my personal contact details to make arranging things easier in future.
😍 You know how to reach me. 😘
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:00   Edited on Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:04

When will you be visiting Libara next?   Would love to show you some of our famous hospitality on your next visit.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:09

Nice to hear from you, Miss President. :) I believe Libara is on the official tour schedule for the Broken Fury release in a couple of months. If you contact my agent he has a better idea of my schedule during that time, but I'd love a tour!
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:10

My daughter is a huge fan of yours, and lately in my communications home we've been wondering...   What was your favorite scene ever to film?
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:11

I am very pleased to hear that. We will absolutely be in touch.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:20

My favourite scene to film? That's a tough question - there are so many! I'm thinking I'd probably go with the zipline scene from The Jungle. Such an adrenaline rush to have the world whipping past you at a million miles an hour. At least it felt that way! I also really enjoy scenes where I get to dive underwater. :)   If you send my agent your details, I'll get an autograph and some merch sent your way for your daughter! Just let him know her name so I can personalise it. :)
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:23

Do you do most of your own stunts? How often do you use a stunt double?
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:25

Will do, thank you! Jess will be so excited.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:30

Do you do most of your own stunts? How often do you use a stunt double?
— Gabe Flynn
  I do my own stunts as often as I'm allowed! Sometimes - especially the last few years - people try to tell me it's too dangerous. If it's too dangerous for me, why are we making the stunt man do it?! So yeah, most of the time I do my own stunts. :) Usually when there's fire involved they won't let me though. :(
Why not?   All you need is a little Shielding.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:39

Heh, tell that to some of the people I work with! ‘Not worth the risk’, they say.
Well. We could always work out a contract.   Not the usual sort of protection duty we go for... 🤔 But I'll bet it's just as fun! 😁
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:46

You should talk to my agent. I’m sure credits are a small price to pay to cut down on my complaining!
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:48

Maybe complain extra for a while, just to be sure. 😉
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 12:41

— Zerrael Ingriid
  I'm here! :D Nice to meet you!
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:21

Aaaaa this is so exciting! Nice to meet you tooooooo!! Yes! When did you decide to become an interplanetary super fantastic actor?
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 02:22

So... Confession. I don't know who you are. I've never seen any of your holos, they're not all that common in Confederation circles.   Now that I'm free, a lot of people have told me that I really should, but there's just so many, it's overwhelming. I don't know where to start.   Where should I start? Any I should avoid? And how in the universe do you have so many, how long have you been doing this?   It's just all so overwhelming. The universe isn't anything like I was taught.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 04:32

Keep an eye on the official Rock Danger site - I make sure that all casting calls for extras get posted there. :D And of course I'll be on set! I love spending time with fans. I'll even sign some stuff when the cameras aren't rolling. Tell your friend I look forward to meeting them. ;)
— Rock Danger
Awesome! I definitely will be hitting refresh a lot over the next few weeks, thanks, and see you soon! I mean. My friend will. :D
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 05:39

When did you decide to become an interplanetary super fantastic actor?
— Zerrael Ingriid
  I've always wanted to be famous, ever since I was a kid! Used to put on shows for our dining chairs. They were my first critics. :D Never give up on your dreams!
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 06:31

I... may have lost a bet. And now I'm supposed to ask you about your abs or something?   Sorry. It was either that or eat more wojikk and I am never doing that again.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:05

So... Confession. I don't know who you are. I've never seen any of your holos, they're not all that common in Confederation circles.   Now that I'm free, a lot of people have told me that I really should, but there's just so many, it's overwhelming. I don't know where to start.   Where should I start? Any I should avoid? And how in the universe do you have so many, how long have you been doing this?   It's just all so overwhelming. The universe isn't anything like I was taught.
— Commander Arnald
  Firstly, avoid The Golden Mask. The director was trying some experimental stuff but I've never been able to watch it because the camera work gives me a headache.   I'd recommend the newest release, Trial by Fire, unless you want to wait for Broken Fury to release in a couple of months. The other option is asking your friends what their favourites are and watching with them! :) I'm biased, but I like all of them.   How long have I been doing this? First holo role was at twelve, so over twenty years with several holos a year really adds up!   As for the last bit - I think the universe is what we make of it. I don't know much about the Confederation, but sounds like they did you wrong. But you said you were free now, and that's good, because now you can find your own way in life. If you ever find yourself on Caralis, hit me up and I'll treat you to dinner. :)
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:14

Thank you.
There's just so much to learn. Vicky's been a real help, helping me sort through it all, but I don't think I'll ever catch up.
This helps too. Thanks again.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:16   Edited on Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:16

Firstly, avoid The Golden Mask. The director was trying some experimental stuff but I've never been able to watch it because the camera work gives me a headache.
— Rock Danger
  But The Golden Mask is so good! How could you not watch that!?!
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:17

I... may have lost a bet. And now I'm supposed to ask you about your abs or something?   Sorry. It was either that or eat more wojikk and I am never doing that again.
— Able Hand Donal
  I don't know what wojikk is. Sounds... untasty?   Are you meant to ask whether or not my abs are real? I've been advised by my agent not to answer that question to 'keep an air of mystery'. :) But I will say that Dr Jameson is an artiste.
Allie? Dearest?   That's a bootleg copy. I sacrificed the holo size to stabilize the camera, and ran it through one of my algorithms to fix the framerate.   That's... very much not the version everyone else has.
Of course everyone has that version. Why would anyone release a holovid that nobody can watch?
You tried to watch the original... Accused poor Scout of recording one of his home videos over top of it, remember?
I still say that was very rude of him. As if I wouldn't notice.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:29

That's a bootleg copy. I sacrificed the holo size to stabilize the camera, and ran it through one of my algorithms to fix the framerate.
— Dak Doana
  I'll pay you for a copy.
I'll pay you for a copy.
— Rock Danger
  No need. I'll get Scout an extra copy to bring on his next visit.   Although if you're available in two months, you're more than welcome to visit. I'm putting together a surprise for my wife.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 07:38

I love surprises. :D I'll see what I can do.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 08:14

I don't know what wojikk is. Sounds... untasty?
— Rock Danger
  It tastes good. It's just cold. Very cold. For days.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 08:17

It tastes good. It's just cold. Very cold. For days.
— Able Hand Donal
  Okay, now I want to try it.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 08:24

Jess and I are having an argument, and maybe you can help us solve it?   What really happened at the end of Lost in the Deep? The part with the giant monster fish. She says everyone was dreaming and that's why nobody died but then why did you still have the bite marks from when you saved everyone?
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 08:51

What's your favorite food?   Asking for... reasons.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 09:03

What really happened at the end of Lost in the Deep? The part with the giant monster fish. She says everyone was dreaming and that's why nobody died but then why did you still have the bite marks from when you saved everyone?
— Daoff Asul
  Mysterious, right? :D The writer wanted it to be ambi ambigew a mystery. Personally, I think that it wasn't a dream and I everyone got really lucky, because otherwise I wouldn't have had the bite marks. I like Jess's theory too, though. :D
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 09:06

What's your favorite food?
— Chef Agatha Rilks
  I don't think I've found a food I haven't liked! :D   Except pickles.
Sun, Dec 5th 2021 09:13

If your Broken Fury tour brings you to Baden, be sure to stop by The Sovereign Spoon. I'll whip up something special, just for you.
Mon, Dec 6th 2021 01:59

I've always wanted to be famous, ever since I was a kid! Used to put on shows for our dining chairs. They were my first critics. :D Never give up on your dreams!
— Rock Danger
Those chairs were so lucky, and I'm glad they encouraged you to dream big! :D I'm no actor but I'm dreaming big about writing! One day, my Mordena Instruments series--yeah, it's fanfic now, but in the future? It'll be popular all over the stars!   Another question! I've been thinking about a penname, and figure I better ask you: Why Rock Danger? It's not your real name, right? It's a stage name? And if it's a stage name, how did you pick it, and what were other contenders for you to pick from? Sorry sorry sorry that was way more than one question   PS: Oh! And The Golden Mask is like, toooootally watchable if you're on a long flight with some galactic turbulence or dealing with speed bumps on the ground. Seriously, the bouncing around cancels out the camerawork somehow, it's wild.
Tue, Dec 7th 2021 12:59

I'm no actor but I'm dreaming big about writing! One day, my Mordena Instruments series--yeah, it's fanfic now, but in the future? It'll be popular all over the stars!
  You write? That's awesome! I hope to read some of your stuff someday! :D  
Why Rock Danger? It's not your real name, right? It's a stage name? And if it's a stage name, how did you pick it, and what were other contenders for you to pick from?
  Rock Danger is not my real name, no. My other choices included Granite Power and Lightning Awesome, but I think Rock Danger was the better one out of the three. My little brother helped with the brainstorming, actually. Some other ideas he had were Spaceship Cereal and Explosion Cookie, but I think he was hungry when he thought of those. My real name isn't really a secret - it's Lucas James. But everyone calls me Rock nowadays, except my mother.   If you want to pick a penname, pick something you don't mind people screaming at you from a distance. Go out to a park and shout it at dogs and see how it works for you.  
PS: Oh! And The Golden Mask is like, toooootally watchable if you're on a long flight with some galactic turbulence or dealing with speed bumps on the ground. Seriously, the bouncing around cancels out the camerawork somehow, it's wild.
  Really? That is wild.
my Mordena Instruments series
— Zerrael Ingriid
  Can I read this?
Sat, Dec 18th 2021 08:31

Hi, Mr. Danger! Just saw this AMA -- I hope I'm not joining too late, or necro-posting, or whatever.


When movies call for wardrobe or prop pieces with a lot of detail as part of the overall story frame, making entirely new items can get really expensive -- so of course the wise Wardrobe and Props Departments keeps track of existing items created for long-past movies that were not a part of a series (or where the series has completed), and where those might have been warehoused and then forgotten. There's a whole fandom out here for recognizing specific reused assets -- see, for example, -- and tracing them back through prior appearances.


And you, of course, are not exactly off-the-rack yourself!


So my question is this: Have you ever recognized a piece, wardrobe or prop, from one of your own previous meant-to-be-unrelated roles? Did you have to warn the crew involved that your longtime fans would notice it and spin this into a much bigger factor of the scene than it was originally meant to be?


Thanks for your time!

Sun, Dec 19th 2021 12:37

Hi, Jarissa! :) You're not necro-posting - I check in here occasionally to see if there are any new questions for me, so thanks for stopping by!  
Have you ever recognized a piece, wardrobe or prop, from one of your own previous meant-to-be-unrelated roles? Did you have to warn the crew involved that your longtime fans would notice it and spin this into a much bigger factor of the scene than it was originally meant to be?
— Jarissa
  What an interesting question. There actually is one that comes to mind - remember the blue alarm clock in Delta Eleven? For some reason the exact same clock was used for a scene in On the Edge, and I saw some wild fan theories that the holo was actually just a dream because of it!   I'm sure that longtime fans of mine would spot more throughout the holos, though. When I'm on set I'm usually just focusing on the acting so I miss details like that. :)
Tue, Dec 21st 2021 03:37

What's your favorite color, and why?
Mon, Dec 27th 2021 12:18

What's your favorite color, and why?
— Gabe Flynn
  It's actually pink. I know that doesn't really seem like the sort of colour an action hero should wear, but I do think it looks rather good on me. Plus it's a nice soothing colour after a long day's work, I find.
Fri, Feb 25th 2022 08:16   Edited on Fri, Feb 25th 2022 08:19

You said earlier you always wanted to be famous... But how did your career start? What was your first big break?   And did you always want to be an action star? Or was there another career path you had in mind?
Mon, Apr 25th 2022 10:27

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply, Dak! I've been busy reshooting some scenes for Broken Fury.   To answer your question, my first big break was at the age of seven. It was an ad for laundry soap - probably can still find it if you look hard enough, haha! As I said above, my first actual holo was when I was twelve - a rom com called Solar Eclipse of the Heart where I was the main character's son.   I always wanted to be famous, but not specifically an action holo star. I just wanted my family to never want for anything ever again.
Family is always a solid motivation. I'm glad things worked out for everyone. Good luck with Broken Fury.
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