The Hope of the Draelish Organization in Vaxus | World Anvil
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The Hope of the Draelish

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning, there was One. Out of love One created Duos who would nurture the stars with life. They became known as the Children. The Children were given the ability to beget ones like themselves, ones who were instilled with the essence of life. As time went on the One, now known as Grandfather, faded into obscurity. The Children were left to rule.   As life flourished, all was good. The Duo known as Aculus and Kykuun beget numerous children, most notably the Draelish. The Draelish lived well with their gods, in a place called Heaven. But as time moved on, darkness soon shrouded the land. Unholy creatures were stirring, with Kykuun among them. Caught in the middle, the Draelish split off, some going with their father Aculus and some with their mother, Kykuun. One the eve of War, Aculus sent his children into a deep sleep. Legend holds that as the dawn of war approached, Aculus and Kykuun fought, driving the world asunder. Out of sympathy the Wilds began, persevering all life as ancient blood splattered the ground. Out of the Heart of the World magic flowed, transforming all. When the Draelish awoke, it was as if time began anew...

Divine Origins

The Draelish were with their Parents in Heaven when the war begin. Creation fought itself as the Heavens above were torn asunder. The Grandfather's Essence kept the world alive, but the Parents and their Children were separated for a time. It is not known when this happened, but as time began anew, the Draelish were keen to preserve all they could. It is not known when they are to be reunited with their Father again, but as Kykuun slumbers they must watch in silence.   And so all creatures were affected by the Change, some more so than others. Legends tell only of the Draelish, of those who slept as the world crumbled. Not all view Aculus's actions as benevolent, however. The Chromatics have sworn vengeance for their slumber, for Kykuun promised them freedom. As for the Metallics, their preservation is seen as a gift, and as for Kykuun a mercy. For soon Kykuun will awaken, but not all will answer her call.

Cosmological Views

Father of the Metallics, Aculus was a natural leader, leading the Draelish to uplift those around them. Out of all of his creations, the Draelish were one of the ones most held dear to his heart. Following his path of living in nature, the Draelish sought out the hidden wonders of the world. Nomadic by heart until only the most pristine of destinations piqued their interest, the Draelish harbored disdain for the cities around them. Preferring to stick to the wilder regions, the Draelish opted for the more remote parts of the world.   Mother of the Chromatics, Kykuun was wild at heart, always seeking the heavens above. When she could not get her way, she would search out the depths of the world. Jewels adorned her, crystals covered her scales that glistened like stars. The chaos of the sea was her home, and her children followed suit. Born wild at heart, though tempered, her children sought out the inhospitable parts of the world. A diamond in the rough was born as the world crumbled apart, sheltering them and their mother for a time. Though now forgotten, her children continue to seek for what is now lost.

Tenets of Faith

For those adhering to the Way of Aculus, life was to be lived in a way that best reflected the Essence of life. Diversity, water, nature, and kin. Life is to be viewed as sacred, its beauty let loose to explore. Water is the great provider, powerful, swift, yet gentle and calm. Nature covers all, dazzling the world with intricate beauty. And Kin, who provides the richness of life.   For those adhering to the Way of Kykuun, life was to be lived above all else. Daring, exploratory, and confident, even brash. Dare to go where others could not. Explore and find, taking root in plenty. Confident, brazen, forgo.   Draelish priests cannot deny the similarity between the two, for although Aculus and Kykuun were set apart, at one time they were one. Therefore the symbol of the two would always be linked, though set apart.


Meditation for Metallics was to be done in a garden, sporting trees and in some cases a waterfall. For Chromatics, a jewel-encrusted cavern was idle, with a pool of water acting as a reflecting pool. Prayers were given with incense made from herbs or crushed up minerals. On the days of worship a priest would call for assembly, and all Draelish would engage in adoration of their respective parent, usually through songs that, as it reached a crescendo, would seem to almost transform the space back in time to the first Heaven.   Prayer dictated most of life, with tenets being written down and studied by the faithful over the centuries. Ever since the Great Forgetting, Draelish from all walks of life were keen to record all instances of interaction with the divine in the hopes of recovering even a snippet of lost culture. Stories, myths, and legends guide young Draelish to learn the heart of their father or mother. Testimonies, though rare, were to be looked for throughout all of one's life. This has helped patience, along with trust, as being among the most sought after virtues among the Metallics. For the Chromatics it would be the most cool-headed, adventuresome, and inventive. In reality, the two mixed well enough among the clans.


Following the tradition that the One made Duos for all different kinds, Metallic temples were to feature a space that could be allotted to different Duos while also maintaining a larger space for the hosting Duo. The primary temple was to be constructed first, monolithic in nature, with the main assemblage conducting worship on the top floor and prayer rooms being located on the bottom floor. Seating was arranged in a semicircle, with trees planted indoors and windows opening to the sky above. The secondary dome would be similar to the first, however a bit narrower and taller, with prayer being on the bottom floor, worship in the middle but with windows all around, and the priests' chambers at the top. Any additional buildings would feature an open garden ringed with pillars, an underground archive for safe keeping, and a feast hall and plaza for gathering.   Chromatic temples operate a little differently. Instead of operating within the confines of a building, the assemblage would meet in an open-air theater, though roofing was allowed if there was no storm sorcerer nearby to help when need be. Chants and songs would shake the earth as the Draelish called after their sleeping mother. Heroics were told, shared in honor of Kykuun, and prayer was given in private, though it would be granted to be done in public during times of great need. It was considered a great honor to go out into the world in search of Kykuun, and any shard of information found and brought back to the clan is greatly celebrated.


Those chosen or given to the priestly role were to honor the Duo, but could pay particular attention and respect to the clan's chosen parent. Priests conducted the worship assembly, leading adherents in hymn and song. Afterwards, it was up to the priests and monks to tend to the gardens, though anyone was welcome to help. Their primary concern was for the care of the archives, peace among the prayer rooms, and cleanliness in the domes.


There are rumors circulating among the Chromatic clans of legendary figures called the avatars of Kykuun. Whispers tell of shifting shapes within dreams, beckoning those who dare to risk it all to come and find her within the storms of the sea. Others sleeping deep into the night report shadowy visages lingering above lakes of fire, calling for those that can hear to come. And few yet, on sleepless nights, swear that they heard Kykuun from on high above moonless skies. Few dare to begin this journey, fewer still have kept at it. Adherents to this sect of faith lay claim that these are the dreams of Kykuun, calling out from the passage of time.
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