Dagonspawn Zombies Species in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Dagonspawn Zombies

Brittle and wiry hair spills from her head but does little to obscure her horrid visage; the skin of her face and neck is dead and mottled grey. Dangling obscenely from her ruined jaw, a long tentacle-like tongue writhes; sniffing the air, seeking food. Blind eyes stare at you with unerring accuracy as a low moan bubbles though the inky-black water welling in her throat.   Similar to a void zombie, a dagonspawn zombie is a creature that is infested with the larval young of an Olhydrix Hag . They are called dagonspawn after the Shrroth demons (Tome of Horrors II) that originally sired the first olhydrix millennia ago. See Pathfinder Wiki: Dagon.   Those who perish whilst suffering Abyssal Ascariasis become dagonspawn zombies. Within 2d4 hours of the creature’s death, the strongest of the olhydrix’s larvae infesting the corpse worms its way into the spinal fluid and eventually into the brain cavity, where it undergoes a swift gestation. During this time, the parasite takes total control of the corpse and mutates its genetic codes so as to best serve as a vehicle for obtaining food. As it grows, the squid-like parasite becomes too large to fit inside the skull and relocates to the creature’s stomach cavity. The parasite’s feeding tentacle soon grows thick enough to dislocate the creature’s jaw, lolling outwards like an obscene tongue. When encountered, dagonspawn zombies are often mistaken for ghouls. A DC 10 Knowledge: Undead can correctly identify the difference.

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