Olhydrix Hag Species in Varisian Triumvirate Insurrection | World Anvil
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Olhydrix Hag

From within the half-submerged ruins comes a creature borne of a demon’s nightmare: Rising over 10 feet, this creature is a horrid amalgam of a giant squid and a humanoid. The head, arms and upper torso are vaguely female; needle-like teeth line her voluptuous mouth and her eyes are white and pupil-less. White hair spills from her head in flowing tresses, clinging wetly to her body. The creature’s lower body tapers into that of a giant squid; its black skin glistens as it pulls itself forward on powerful tentacles that could crush a man in an instant.   Even the earliest scripts of the merfolk detail a sect of female aquatic elves who had given themselves over to the evil gods of the deep. Calling themselves the ‘Brides of Dagon’ these elves consorted with Shrroth demons (Tome of Horrors II). Their frequent and vile unions soon corrupted the elves, warping their very bodies: Their skin grew oily black and their eyes lost their pupils. Their lustrous green hair bleached white, like coral in the sun and within their voluptuous mouths grew rows of needle-like teeth. Worse, their lower bodies tapered and twisted beyond recognition, becoming squid-like. These creatures were the first olhydrix; foul hags of the deep.   As a race borne of demons, olhydrix hags have no real place in nature. They use other species to protect and propagate their race through coercion, enchantment and dark magic. It is possible for an olhydrix hag to mate with all manner of humanoid races; their offspring are always an olhydrix hag. After mating, an olhydrix hag will lay young larvae in a special spawning pool. When a humanoid creature is immersed in an olhydrix hag’s spawning pool it may contract Abyssal Ascariasis:

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