Helios Asterion Lumenox Character in Væringr | World Anvil
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Helios Asterion Lumenox

Helios Asterion Asterion Lumenox

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Helios is broad-shouldered and imposing, and often intimidates others by complete accident.   His overall physique is quite soft, and he's a little on the chubbier side. He's always been fairly active, as he enjoys climbing trees, swimming, and exploring the area around his home; still, he doesn't actively work out or train his strength, and so he's not visibly buff. He's incredibly physically strong, however, and his size only aids him in that regard.

Personality Characteristics


Helios is incredibly adventurous, and leaps at the opportunity to discover or experience new things. He particularly loves exploring new cities, and discovering the most impressive architecture that every new place has to offer. He loves old buildings, and insists on visiting each and every temple he encounters during his travels. He holds incredible respect for ancient places, and never gets tired of visiting them, marveling at each and every one, and often gushing about them for hours after his visit.   Beyond architecture, he loves exploring the natural world, as he loves plants of every sort. He studied botany and medicine in tandem, and ended up specializing in apothecary work, as he's far too squeamish around blood and injuries to be a surgeon or general doctor of any sort. He's extremely knowledgeable when it comes to plant life, and can recognize medicinal plants, food plants, and poisons from across the globe. He can recognize different compounds and powders by scent, due to his heightened sense of smell as a naga. Being a naga, he is immune to all natural poisons; however, magical poisons are especially potent when used on him. If he finds a plant that he doesn't recognize, or that he's only seen in textbooks, he becomes even more excited than usual—which is saying a lot.   He's extremely earnest in everything that he does, and boundlessly enthusiastic; he's endlessly curious, and that gets him into trouble often. He doesn't have any qualms with breaking and entering, and he tends to eavesdrop. He's incredibly nosy, and terrible at keeping secrets. He tries not to gossip, but he can't keep anything from his friends and loved ones for any period of time.   He finds the mundane just as fulfilling and exciting as the new and supernatural and adventurous. He loves nothing more than curling up with his fiancé, Eros, and cuddling for hours, though gardening and horsing around at the beach with said fiancé are close rivals. Being so energetic when happy and excited, he tends to get extremely burnt out and exhausted at the end of the day. Though he's by no means always at the super-energetic, puppy-dog levels of excitement, even little triumphs spur a ton of excited energy from him. Normally, however, he's just distinctly perky, though fairly lazy. If he's not playing around with someone else, working in the garden, or exploring a new place, he loves to curl up with his sketchbook and draw his favorite plants, or just bask.   While naga are warm-blooded, most still bask for around two hours a day. Naga are instinctually driven to bask, and they tend to get incredibly stressed if denied proper basking time. Naga are also very sensitive to low temperatures, and get cold remarkably easily. They are incredibly vulnerable to hypothermia and frostbite; they cannot survive in freezing temperatures for very long. They enjoy sunlight and warmth of all sorts, and Helios is no exception.   When not actively excited about something, Helios is extremely lazy. Once he's chosen a basking spot, he will refuse to move until he's decided that he's warm enough. He loves to cuddle, and he owns an obscene amount of pillows and blankets, even by naga standards.   No matter the situation, he always has to be touching someone. He never knows what to do with his hands if they're not fiddling with something or otherwise occupied by someone else. He is extremely tactile, and his tail is always wrapped around someone or something else. It's his coping mechanism when he's stressed, and his way of expressing his excitement. He often doesn't realize that he's all over someone until they push him away. He loves to cuddle, and, if he's not sleeping with Eros, he'll cuddle a pillow or two, and wrap his tail around anything (or anyone) large enough in the room to serve as an anchoring point.   Helios often gets burnt out by the end of the day, due to his general energy and excitement throughout the majority of the day. Usually, he's just tired, and occasionally a little grumpy, though generally content. However, there are some days when his mood just tanks entirely, and he's just completely exhausted. He feels vulnerable, and very tender emotionally; on these days, he needs time to rest, relax, and recharge. Things that help him on these days include cuddling with his fiancé, Eros, and generally being doted on and showered in affection. He loves pampering himself, and devotes time each day to taking care of his skin, scales, and hair. On days that his mood is low, however, he has trouble bringing himself to take care of himself, which just makes his mood worse over the next day or so—and so, on these such days, he turns to Eros, who helps him with his routine, taking great care to be extra affectionate with the naga the entire time. This always helps soothe Helios, as his relationship with Eros is immensely important to him.   Helios selfless and kind to a fault; he is entirely motivated by love. He loves his community and the beauty of the world around him, and he's dedicated to taking care of both. He loves Eros immensely, and is willing to lay down everything to protect him. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but, if anything threatens those that he cares about, he's more than willing to tear it apart to protect them. He values all living things, but his sense of morality is directly tied to those that he loves. Things that hurt his loved ones are evil, and things that don't are good, for now.   He's very confident, and somewhat vain, due to his immense pride in his appearance—but he's extraordinarily gentle and vulnerable with his loved ones. He adores his fiancé, Eros, to no end, and doesn't hesitate to shower the other man in affection; he finds Eros incredibly beautiful, and never hesitates to point this out to the smaller man. Still, he turns into a complete puddle of emotional mush whenever that Eros does on him in return—which, of course, is extremely frequently.   His bond with Eros is extremely strong, as they both trust and love each other innately and fully. Though they often bicker, and, like all couples, feel frustrated with each other from time to time, they put a great deal of effort into communicating with each other, as well as being open about their emotions and desires; as a result, they virtually never have significant fights. While, naturally, most of their arguments aren’t resolved immediately, they love each other immensely, and, as such, they both work as hard as they can to reach an understanding or solve any problem that has come up between them. They respect each other on a fundamental level, and they try their best to talk about issues before they become problems. They hate fighting with each other, more than anything else, as they both can’t stand seeing each other hurt or upset in any way, particularly if it’s their fault.   Even when in the midst of an argument, they’re all but completely inseparable. They hate feeling at odds with each other, and they hate having hurt each others’ feelings—and so, even when they’re upset with each other, they’re constantly cuddling or holding hands or otherwise trying to comfort each other. No matter how upset they are, they always want to make sure that their partner is okay; no matter the situation, they still love and care for each other on a fundamental level, and this devotion is the root of all of their interactions.   Overall, while they may get frustrated with each other, or worry about each other to the point of butting heads, they trust and care for each other on such a foundational level that nothing can drive any sort of wedge between them. There’s nothing that either of them want more than to be at each others’ side, and they’re both just genuinely happy to be together. Nothing can stand between them, as they’re willing to fight tooth and nail to be with each other and to protect each other.   While they can both absolutely function separately, they hate being apart; Helios, though always earnestly excited to discover new things, much prefers to do so with Eros at his side. Helios is also very much a worrier, and he can't bear the thought that Eros might be in danger. He'd rather put his life on the line than allow anyone he cares about to be put in danger.

Likes & Dislikes

Plants!!! He loves plants. His favorite fruit are strawberries, but, despite his griping, mangoes have quickly become his second favorite. He loves his fiancé, Eros, more than anyone else in the world. He enjoys climbing, gardening, swimming, climbing, and basking. There is no way to get him to move once he's found a good basking spot. He will bite first and ask questions later if anyone so much as tries.  
Anything sticky, particularly in his hair, which he meticulously maintains. Anyone who tries to hurt the people he cares about. Cold weather and getting caught in the rain. Any sight of blood or open wounds—even though he's technically a doctor, his specialist is tending illnesses and making medicine. He hates having to tend wounds, and he'd faint if he had to stitch someone up.

Personality Quirks

No matter the situation, he always has to be touching someone. He never knows what to do with his hands if they're not fiddling with something or otherwise occupied by someone else. He is extremely tactile, and his tail is always wrapped around someone or something else. It's his coping mechanism when he's stressed, and his way of expressing his excitement. He often doesn't realize that he's all over someone until they push him away.   His tail buzzes when he's anxious, upset, or excited. Sometimes, when he's particularly excited, he slaps the end of his tail against the ground. He hisses when emotional, and occasionally flicks his tongue out to taste the air, much like an actual snake.


Helios is extremely clean. He takes meticulously good care of his hair, nails, and scales; he washes his face before sleep and after waking up, and goes to the bathhouse multiple times a week.


Eros Acheron Oleander

Lover (Vital)

Towards Helios Asterion Lumenox



Helios Asterion Lumenox

Lover (Vital)

Towards Eros Acheron Oleander



Nicknames & Petnames

From Eros to Helios: Baby, Sunshine, Dumbass   From Helios to Eros: Baby, you guppy, you dumb fish

A naga apothecary whose heart is too big for his own good.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Enjoying domestic life with his fiancé, unaware of the chaos about to come.
24 years old
Date of Birth
October 19th, 8262
Current Residence
Port Litore
Cisgender Male
Bright cobalt blue, flecked with silver
Black, natural, kinky, very fluffy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, earthen-hued skin, paired with scales resembling those of a Goldenchild Reticulated Python morph.
7 ft, 2 in "standing" height, 24 ft long
Just under one ton

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