Seraphim Fish- Seraphish for Short Species in Valyria+Kathrir | World Anvil
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Seraphim Fish- Seraphish for Short

Deep in the ponds of the deepest forest, you will find it.
The angriest gosh darn fish in the world.
-a very annoyed narrator

The Seraphim Fish

(Or Seraphish)

The Seraphim Fish is a rare and gorgeous fish, with six swirling fins marked with golden eyes.
Six golden eyes of pure hatred.
This thing has the nerve to be one of the most sought-after, rarest, and prettiest fish, but it will eat your other fish. It will eat your rocks. It will bite you. This thing is a menace.

Basic Information


Seraphish Seraphim Fish are relatively small fish, and the most of their size comes from their large fins.
Including those big, billowy fins, the average fancy ball of rage is about 10-17 centimeters long.   They have a total of six fins, all of them very long and akin to a veiltail betta's tail. These usually have some kind of eyelike markings on them. These markings are usually darker than the rest of the fish.   Common colors for this beast include white, grey, black, and various shades of blue. As for rare, you have red, orange, gold, silver, and any other metallic color.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are an omnivorous fish, and eat anything available. Their favorite foods are berries, small bugs, and other fish. They steer clear of others of their kind, but will hunt and eat any other kind of fish, even those bigger than itself.


As mentioned before, this is possibly the most aggressive fish species in the world. They hate everything, and are so territorial that if you were to have one as a pet it would likely kill any other fish in the tank.  They are not recommended for pets, and they are incredibly expensive anyways.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have mostly average senses, but they do have slightly bad eyesight. On the other hand, they have a decent amount of taste and smell.    They also have a very well developed lateral line, which aids them a lot with navigating their cluttered home.
Scientific Name
Angelus Ferente
Geographic Distribution

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Oct 11, 2023 22:20 by Reanna R

Again Seraphish I love it! It's a shame they're so hateful, but I suppose I'll have to steer clear of them - I have to protect my pet rocks!

May your worldbuilding hammer always fall true! Also, check out the world of the Skydwellers for lots of aerial adventures.