Olpoln Settlement in Valencia | World Anvil
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Olpoln is a minor port city on the Eastern side of Valencia within the watchful gaze of the Autumn spire, at least in theory. Olpoln is a cramped slightly industrial city that use to be known for building small navel ships for the war, after the war however there was a ripple of pain felt in Olpoln as the City’s core trade was cut short and the investments from those who built the city began to crumble as the weight of this city began to catch up with it, no longer could they survive on fish and bread, and so the city’s elite where victimised for there incompetence of planning for the future and ultimately were overthrown by the people of Olpoln giving power back to those people. With this take over Olpoln still thrives, if not slowly, and behind closed doors the real money bleeds into the city, keeping it alive and ultimately hidden from the spires ever watchful gaze.


Majority human except as the old have moved away the new residents are from all walks of life, people from exhautic lands yet explored, tieflings, dragonborn, Orcs, Tabaxi, Aasimar, Genasi, Kenku, Lizardfolk & Tritons. All people come and go from the shipyards and all are welcome within the Olpoln boarders


Run by a Duke and Duchess Brother & Sister Duo, voted in by the people, these 2 only known to the public as the Duke & Duchess have grown Olpoln to new heights and let the city thrive. if not in a chaotic way.


a cobblestone wall wraps itself around the city which hangs off a cliff, held by carefully carved stone and rock making boardwalks and landing areas for boats and ships.

Industry & Trade

Crime is the main trade. Pirating, Racketeering, Fencing, procuring lost artefacts, the Araneae are the government of the area and are a prolific up and coming criminal organisation, run by the duke and duchess.  For honest work trade ships are still made, however more for Taylor made and streamlined purposes and shipped across the oceans to various continents around the world of Jukorus.


Large pillars of smoke billow from the lower city, where the poorer residents reside, creating metals for ships and other materials to sell the the Alliance of the north.

Guilds and Factions

The Araneae are the soul government of the city, once a small harbour fight club now a criminal organisation specialising in magical trade of items and other cargo. mainly trading with those whom live outside of Valencia, however are always looking within Valencias borders for lost treasure and items.


Early Renaissance and baroque influenced, with stacked buildings or brick interlaced with wooden supports, small glass window slits dotted between each floor, large slanted red brick roofing tiles to push rain away as fast as possible.


At the Tip of the East located next to the Eastern Valencian Sea of Soriflax.

Natural Resources

From the city there are smaller fields and lands that jut out towards a small village which is under the protection of Olpoln.
Alternative Name(s)
New Shipton
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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