The Dragon Stones Myth in Valandria | World Anvil
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The Dragon Stones


At the height of her power, The Dragon Queen, Tiamat, waged a war against the people of Venn. She was brought forth into the world when the barrier between the Material Plane and the Realm of the Gods was at its thinnest. The Mythic Council and the citizens of Venn fought of her army and the Dragon Queen herself. The Mythic Council achieved what no other group could do and destroyed a god. They achieved the impossible by sealing her power away into six stones, The Dragon Stones. One stone for each of the chromatic dragons that formed The Dragon Queen.   Ruby - Creation  Diamond - Power Onyx - Negative Energy Emerald - Mind Sapphire - Technology  Amethyst - Time

Historical Basis

There was an ancient war during the ancient times of the world of Valandria. The Mythic Council was real and there are accounts of the Council's power, however there are not records of the stones existing or if The Dragon Queen was actually destroyed.


The legend has spread throughout the continent of Venn. Many people have heard the legend of the Dragon Stones.

Variations & Mutation

The myth has transformed many times throughout its existence. Wizards, elders, bards, etc. have all took the legend and made it their own. Wizards said that there is no way that The Dragon Queen could have been destroyed. They say that the stones are just very powerful artifacts that have been lost to time. Village elders say that it was actually the Dragon King is where the stone originated from. They say the Dragon King, gave one stone to six of his mightiest warriors and they have been lost to time since their passing. Bards have varies tales about the stones, but they all incorporate the same ideas, that the stones have been lost to time and have been scattered to the ends of the world. They say that The Dragon Queen had a relationship with each of the members of the Mythic Council and gave all of them a piece of her.

In Literature

No known literature
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Ancient Times

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