Settlement of Lenoah Settlement in Ustril | World Anvil
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Settlement of Lenoah

A quaint farming settlement making its way in the southern forests of Ustril. After only being around for a few generations (human generations) the settlement is still quite small. Above the lush fields and homey inn lies a large church perched on the nearby hill, here lies the head of this town.


Mostly human settlement, but there are a fair few halflings and dwarfs.


Low taxation, the settlers follow the head of the church Priest Rolan.


There are no garrisoned defenses, the town is guarded by a small militia of towns folk and priests.

Industry & Trade

Most of the inhabitants are farmers but there is a market and a few permanent shops. Most of the income is gained in the small but bustling market square, as well as from travelers passing through.


There is a rough road through the middle of the town that goes through the market square and passes the inn and weapon smith. The towns also has quite a few farms on the outskirts of town.


There is an inn and weapon smith located in town, there are also stalls in the market with ever changing supplies.

Guilds and Factions

The head of the settlement is a church who worship the god Silvanus the god of the forests and nature.


Originally settled as a farming settlement for the Church of Silvanus, it slowly grew to a rest stop for travelers, now it has a stable economy but is nothing special.


The town looks like that of an old feudal European town.


Located in a clearing in a deep southern forest.

Natural Resources

Natural resources include wood from the near by forest, and grains and corn from the feilds.
Owning Organization

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