Session 9: The Akaris Military Academy Tournament! - written by Jeran Report in Urina | World Anvil
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Session 9: The Akaris Military Academy Tournament! - written by Jeran

General Summary

The party is awoken from their sleep in various ways, Azaloth by his patron (who says millie is sus), Wyrd by Cyrille, and Catrina by Leo stealing all the blankets. Muffinpaws starts some shit, Wyrd isn’t having it, and Muffinpaws decides to go see Shen with Chateau, while Wyrille goes for some pastries. Muffinpaws dabs and Shen dabs back, confused. Muffinpaws tries to join the Church of Akaris, but Shen tells him it’s not necessary for him to formally join. Chateau and Muffinpaws decide to go to the dessert stand, and Shen disguises himself as a cat to join them. Shen and Muffinpaws engage in some Cat to Cat communication, Shen says Girlboss, and Chateau takes both of the cats to Gort’s stand. Muffinpaws orders tomato soup in perfect common, Shen orders a milkshake, Muffinpaws tips Gort with 50 hot dogs and a shitton of gold, and lots of Cat to Cat conversation is had with very little context. After lots of cat charades, Shen and Muffinpaws get the idea across that Shen’s transformation is running out, and she manages to get them to the bridge before Shen appears bridal style in her arms. She gets them into the cathedral, and some Muffinpaws introductions take place. Millie disturbs Nikoloth while they’re cuddling, much to Azaloth’s annoyance. Azaloth gives a warning but tells Millie where the other fratula members are. Millie does some snooping, but is caught just about instantly. Millie has breakfast with Wyrille, and then joins them at the fratula dorm for some very awkward tea. The tournament week begins, and the party meets their parents. Millie’s dad is sus and they do a little bit of plotting, Wyrd’s family is delightful, Azaloth and his mother seethe at each other, but collectively seethe at Jacques. Cat’s mom is openly abusive in public, not poggers of her, and several parents do some scheming off-screen. Alighieri is going through it with parent stuff just like the rest of us, and mentions that he thinks his mother and the duke may come into conflict. In the event that she’s killed, Alighieri says he wants Azaloth to take over as head of that house instead of him, and Azaloth accepts.The tournament finally begins, and the first match is Azaloth vs Atria, and it’s over before anyone can even blink, Azaloth takes victory. Next is Millie and Chateau, and after some back and forth, Chateau emerges victorious. Next is Muffinpaws vs Murphy, and muffinpaws Nami ults that motherfucker into oblivion, claiming another victory for the fratula. Next is Cyrille vs Leo, the brisket says some scary shit him, and he’s too afraid to move and is easily escorted out of the ring. Cyrille gives a nice pose and angry eyes to the duke. After this is Wyrd and Ildirim, and Wyrd comes out as the victor with relative ease. Alighieri and Cat talk a bit, Cat calls them both whores, Alighieri condones parental murder, and cat really doesn’t care. Azaloth and Chateau have a very close fight, but Azaloth comes out battered, although victorious. Next is Azaloth vs Muffinpaws, and Azaloth makes good on his previous offer to withdraw, when muffinpaws asks. After a very short back and forth, Wyrd is victorious against Cyrille. Muffinpaws and Wyrd square up for the final battle, and Wyrdball wins the day, making Wyrd the victor of this tournament. Azaloth and his mom nearly throw hands, they both yell at Jacques, and Azaloth challenges his mother to an honourable duel for control of the house after she refers to Alighieri as his old name. Wyrd’s family hypes them up and congratulates them on their victory, and several people guage them as a more relevant threat.
Urina: Akaris Military Academy Campaign
Wyrd von Krolock
Catrina Von Kingsley
Millie Van Fenrir
Azaloth de Fleur
Château de Latour
Neutral Goliath ()
Fighter 5
44 / 44 HP
Report Date
28 Nov 2021

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