Meili Long Character in Urina | World Anvil
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Meili Long

Meili Long- Seteno (a.k.a. "The Dragon's Tongue")

Long Meili, known in the world of swordsmanship as The Dragon's Tongue, was a student of the Akaris Military Academy before being kidnapped by Vael Dwo. However, unlike her peers, she took her turning as a blessing rather than a curse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meili was born in the east to unknown parents, but they were unable to care for her upon her birth. As a result, young Meili was dropped off at the most acclaimed swordsman school in the world: The School of Buuzenbou. Meili grew up a prodigy and bested many of her peers, but all changed when the school changed grandmasters. The once-great Buuzenbou fell during the Wild Hunt, and Meili's senior, Talia Seteno, took his place.   All changed for Meili when Talia became the grandmaster of the school. Talia was experienced, but more importantly, she was honorable. Meili never agreed with Grandmaster Talia's code of honor, and this resulted in an argument so large that Meili was expelled. She eventually made her way to Urina to learn swordsmanship from somebody else.   Meili eventually changed her name from Meili Seteno to Long Meili to make a name for herself with her partially draconic heritage.   Professor Alighieri reminisces on how much Meili hated him for his connections to Grandmaster Talia, and Professor Wen speaks of her as "an incredibly talented and dedicated student, but something wasn't quite right about her."   Meili approached the academy with orders from Vael Dwo to take back his dagger of the Crimson Witch that Lucienne did not return, and she challenged Chateau for a duel for it. She promptly lost and revealed that Nikola now has the information for Dyatlov's teleportation circle, that Vael was in collaboration with the Duke the entire time, that the Class of 1182 incident was to keep Vael from pursuing the students of the Academy, and that both Vael and the Duke are after Cyrille. She then passed away before Catrina could heal her.   Meili was also known to be the ex-girlfriend of Lucienne du Lapointe.


Insane lesbian

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

If anything, Meili's personality is like a mix between Jinx league of legends and your run-of-the-mill insane lesbian. She's absolutely unhinged in the way she speaks and moves. She also tends to hiss like a serpent when dueling, and this earned her the nickname "The Dragon's Tongue."


Contacts & Relations

Alighieri: Alighieri doesn’t hold any ill will towards Meili regardless of being Talia’s best man at her wedding. Even if Talia sends him letters occasionally detailing her life as Grandmaster, her words don’t color his opinion of Meili. HOWEVER, Meili is like “fuck you, Captain Adonis von Leclair of the Rose of the Sea, I can feel her influence all over you”   Wen: Wen also held no ill will towards Meili because she’s an incredibly talented swordsman but she always sensed something wasn’t quite right. She fought a little TOO recklessly and a little TOO enthusiastically to be sane, and Wen could smell it on her.   Nikola: Nikola doesn’t care for her. He never faced her in combat, but he still finds her quite unsettling and never spoke to her for that reason.   Lucienne: Lucienne straight up doesn’t like Meili. They tried dating once. It didn’t last very long because Lucienne’s values of “hey maybe I don’t actually like killing people and I wanna live a normal life and vibe” and Meili’s values “HEEHEE KILLG I will be the best swordsman in the world no matter what the cost is”   Cyrille: considering Meili wanted to kill Cyrille, Cyrille wasn't enthused to be around her. They knew damn well they could not take Meili in a fight so they were very reluctant to even look at her, but Meili dropped everything against Cyrille just to duel Chateau because killing Cyrille would have benefited her less than killing Chateau.

Not all swordsmen are truly honorable. Especially not Long Meili.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Dragon's Tongue"
Date of Death
November 1182
Current Residence
Yellow with slits
Black with dark green tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green with scales
Aligned Organization

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