Ley Lines Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Ley Lines

Sphere: Global   Ley lines connect parts of the multiverse with magical lines, most commonly used as portals.   They can connect any two spots, but most connect to/from the Mælstrom. Direct connections between the Astral Realms and Aetheric Realms are particuarly rare.  

Activating Ley Lines

Activating Ley Lines requires precise calculations, similar to chant magic, and everytime the portal is used its nature changes and the calculations need to be updated. The more a portal gets used the faster it destablises, so practiced magicians are very valuable if they can keep vital trade routes open.  

Travelling Down a Line

Travelling through a ley line portal is instantaneous - for the traveller - but time passes to outside observers depending on the distance travelled and amount of mass being transfered.   This makes transporting armies via ley line a risky proposition, a scout cound see them depart and then travel their own line much faster to warn their target. It also means that merchants who transport bulk goods can seem to age slower than normal, although they are simply skipping ahead in time.
Metaphysical, Astral

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