Chapter 8: Undercover Report in Untold Tales | World Anvil
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Chapter 8: Undercover

General Summary

Rested and ready to go The Outsiders heard four cultists coming down from the upwards path. They took this opportunity to relieve the cultists of their robes to give them an advantage in the floors above. Nyx, Dwossoth, Belagar  and Rose each took a robe. 
  When they arrived upstairs Nyx High-Hill was able to convince the high priests that she had brought the unrobed members of the part as new recruits. Some tense negotiations later and it was decided that the party would be perform the ritual and be initiated to the Brothers of the Shadow the following morning. 
  As they were brought into the ritual chamber, they looked around and notice that there are a number of slaves and other humanoids gathered for this ritual as well. High Priest Shurkul lead the ritual, instructing the party in human sacrifice. In order to prove their loyalty and bloodthirst they each had to slay an innocent with a hellfire dagger. One by one, the participants stepped forth and bathed the blade in blood. 
  Belagar attempted to stop the ritual before Rose and Dwossoth pulled him out of the room stealthily and convinced him that this was the only way to get the information they were looking for. 
  And with that they were accepted into the brotherhood and made their way upstairs to begin their training with High Priest Clegane.
  When they arrived in the training area they found Clegane yelling at a group of initiates practicing against training dummies. His attention captured by the new arrivals he demanded they show him their mettle. Thonur managed to embarrass himself in his excitement to prove his skill. 
  Unimpressed Clegane led them into the adjacent chamber where they found a large sparring ring. He paired them up Nyx vs Gantreal, Dwossoth vs Thonur, Lura Fenrie vs Spalding and Lianthorn vs Rose
  When the dust settled Clegane congratulated the winners, denounced the losers and satisfied with the display dismissed the group for the evening.

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Report Date
12 Sep 2020
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