Unio Geographic Location in Unio | World Anvil
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The planet which the 7 floating groupings are orbiting.   The remains of the planet are mostly flooded with water, if they aren't completely drowned, the protruding ground dark with ash, and sut. They air thick with smoke and smog. The weather unruly and unpredictable. Fire storms one minute, monsoons the next.   The outer mantle of the planet has been so ripped to pieces that the atmosphere has become loose, allowing for the gravity to be more centralized to a 'per floating island basis'. The air is filled with debris from The Great Lifting, including from small dust all the way to long lost inhabited islands.   Falling off an island is usually considered death because falling into the water before hitting a drifting floating debris is unlikely.


The remains of the planet are mostly flooded with water, if they aren't completely drowned, the protruding ground dark with ash, and sut. They air thick with smoke and smog. The weather unruly and unpredictable. Fire storms one minute, monsoons the next.

Fauna & Flora

Unknown, no-one ventures down there. It is frowned upon, and some cultures don't even know that the planet below exists.

Natural Resources

Generally lacking. Before the Great Lifting, the Council of Seven had a meeting, and agreed to fight over the most valuable areas of land in order to prepare for the Great Lifting. This made the natural resources left on Unio the planet limited, and very rare.
Some cultures are unaware of this places existence, they just believe there is a void of death below. So the name Unio is also Synonymous with a void of never ending death and torment.
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