Session 3: Joining the Society Report in Unhala | World Anvil
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Session 3: Joining the Society

General Summary

The heroes joins the rest of the slayer society in the main hall for their tests to join the society. They then competed with the full members in a drinking contest in order to prove that they were worthy to join. The next day, Frank walked the party through the basics of beings slayer. The party was then sent to Ausburg to investigate a series of attacks that were occurring outside of the city. There they met a griffen knight by they name of Maximilion. After short investigation they discovered an ogre and several orcs that were hiding in an abandoned fortress. Through clever tactics, and the unexpected weaponization of the local wildlife, they defeated their foes and discovered that an orc horde was building in the south. After returning to Frankfurt the heroes decided to investigate the riddle they had found earlier. Following the clues to an abandoned inquisition stronghold, they found a headless man who warns them of a more dangerous being held at the bottom of the stronghold. After Zuko discovered a mysterious file the group narrowly avoided being known as Abble. They then returned home to review the document, the discovering a growing threat in a northern town called Hamberg.
The Empire's Reach
Report Date
20 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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