Fringers and Glitches in Under the Neon Glitches | World Anvil
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Fringers and Glitches

These two terms need a bit of explanation and there is no perfect place to categorize it. So here we are!      

"What is a Fringer?"

  Well a Fringer is you, the character.   Any character you make is a Fringer. Working on the edges of society, stuck as part of the dregs, taking odd jobs, doing things most others won;t to make that scratch. You might be a member of a street gang, or a Nomad Tribe, a member of a Reclaimer group or just running jobs for a local Fixer. Regardless of what your previous life might have been and the trappings you may have left, you are now a Fringer. The elite look at and treat you with contempt.    

"So then, what is a Glitch?"

  This is a little more complicated...   A Glitch is Fringer that can access "magic". So this means that any class that uses any type of "magic" is a Glitch. The corporations do not like Glitches, they cause way too many problems and can severly upset the status quo, so are usually put down with prejudice. If the life of a Fringer is tough and short, consider the life of a Glitch tougher and shorter. Show off that power to often and to openly and you may find yourself on the receiving end of a Corporate kill squad.   Don't get me wrong here, this isn't an effort to dissuade anyone from playing them. Great role-play and stories can arise from this inherent danger. Just be cognizant of your environment and potential witnesses and you should be fine...  

The bottom line is every PC is a Fringer and every PC Glitch is a Fringer, but not all PC Fringers are Glitches...

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