Edipherous Settlement in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Edipherous is the name given to a small nomadic tribe who lived in North-Eastern Meta centuries ago. At some point in their history, the tribe split into two, with a rebellious group seeking to find a permanent home, who would go on to create Tragic Aura. After some time Edipherous was proven foolish, as struggles found them and made life harder until eventually, they moved to the Halo Empire and reunite with their other half. Sadly a tragedy occurred, a great fire with no distinguishable point of creation swept across the lands, destroying all but a few small groups. These groups have created their own small places to live within the ruins of their previous home, and some even chose to inhabit older ruins such as those left behind from Edipherous.   One such ruin is that named after the tribe, 'Edipherous' the settlement was a collection of seven to ten huts far east from Halo, often-times travelers would make camp or rebuild weaker versions of the huts in their skeletons. They'd leave traces of their presence, be it scraps of clothing, seeds for plants, or books of stories. Once the remnants of Halo moved in it was obvious they would never leave willingly once more, these remnants are violent to most outsiders. The ruins covered in sharp sticks, animals trained to scare off outsiders roam the land, and they are the prime suspects to records of theft of travelers.


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