Salinmoor Settlement in Ulgrotha; the Homelands | World Anvil
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To the north of Erathium, only half a days travel, is this small, respectable fishing and mining outpost. Legend says that long ago, a king rose and ended the warring that had gripped the peninsula. But today, there are few remnants left of the ancient kingdoms, and fewer still know we are the descendants of kings. Salinmoor, now, is looked upon as a simple fishing village under the rule of Erathium.


Less then 20 years ago, the tribes of Salinmoor lost it's autonomy as Prince-Elect Zeech established the township as apart of Erathium. He installed Elder-Elect Eliander of the Firewalker Tribes as his eyes and ears, who has held the position for 15 years. Yet - naturally - not all of the s residents feel the same way about the recent developments in and around their community, which is the key issue that affects their lives and livelihood. Although the recent changes stand to bring new prosperity to the area. many locals don't want to see their home changed. At the same time. as an undercurrent through all the goings-on, agents of the secretive and mysterious Procan Brotherhood work to thwart Prince-Elect Zeech's ambitions while advancing their own.


Salinmoor's future rests in the hands of three factions that compete for supremacy. Two of the factions represent the opposing sentiments that have grown in town in recent years. The third is a secret group that seeks to undermine Saltmarsh and seize control of the region. With the Traditionalist faction seeking independants from their distant rulers; the Loyalist factions who seek to support Prince-Elect's expansionist ideas; and the Otaih brotherhood, who claim that the bloodline of its followers traces back to Otaih the Blue, Nerathilord of Tides himself - and their goal is to restore the old noble cult to prominence in the world, and ressurect Otaih himself.

Salinmoor lacks the underground sewage system found in cities San Francillieth or Erathium. The streets are lined with open gutters leading to the Gulf of Kul or the Riverlands, though they are not perfect. Locals also leave barrels of waste on street corners, where they are collected by laborers and fishermen.


The residents of Salinmoor are predominantly Fyreen - the Second Men. The largest non-human faction is a mining group of two hundred dwarves - working under Prince-Elect Zeech to mine up manastones.
There is a small small enclave of Elves, and halflings have various local settlements and can sometimes be seen in the town.

Otaih the Blue,
Nerathilord of Tides

Many scholars and loremongers struggle to understand the more ancient traditions of the Salinmoor Tribes. Their belief date back to before the Nerathi Imperium - beliving that Grandfather Ocean would keep them safe through the sinking of the Old World. The cults of Otaih has lessened as newer gods took over and people spread more widely, but he is still revered by a few of those who live alongside the great Gulf of Kul. Even as a Warlord of the Nerahtilord took the name of Grandfather Ocean, before being laid low by great weapons of the Godswar.


It is said that Io's Blood Isles, east of the Dragondown Coast, are said to be the remains of Otaih. While rich in manastones and other treasures, it seems the magics of these islands is damaged or corrupted. All fire in the region freezes into ice that gives off a blue light - and blight storms can sweep into the mainland with little issues.


Traditional Otaih worshippers are seperated by their signia: a scowling man’s face with an open mouth, as if shouting or blowing, his fearsome image being held to have defensive properties.
While Neo Otaih worshippers know him by an Imperial visage: a waterfall plunging into a still pool. Yet not all worship the dead god, not seeing any reason for it anymore - many turning to spirit worship or ancestral guidance.

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