Domovoj - The Stone People Species in Ulgrotha; the Homelands | World Anvil
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Domovoj - The Stone People

The Domovoj - also known as Dwarves or Stout Folk - are said to be one of the eldest species on Ulgrotha. With a history that stretched far before the Second Coming of Man or the Landing of the Elves. Legend has it that the Domovoj were forge tenders and gilded defenders of a divine fire, before they were thrown into shackles by hundred-handed giants of the Old World. They were forced to toil and forge for beings that were greedy for more splendid monuments to their greatness - crafting great works of adamantine or carved from soulgem infused stone. For eons, the Domovoj would make great works and discovers for masters that would never appreicate them. That was until the Masters of Chad'Maragh, the Dark Magic Forge, found a new master.


Valkauna and their 20-Aspects came to a Dwarven Despot, Haramathur, and agreed to aid the dwarves from their plight for one thing in exchange: Their worship. Haramathur agreeds - and through Valkauna's guidance, lead survivors up through the earth to find aid. Valkauna said to have lead the Dwarves to the Elves, who joined them in their war for independants. With the Dwarves Psionic technologies and the Elves White-Skinned Gods, they drove the hundred-handed giants into the earth. Force them into their own chains, and forcing them to hold up the earth.


Yet the Domovoj were not prepared to trade one set of shackles for another. They escaped to the highest peaks to continue tending to Valkauna's art, and leave the ever-shifting world to the Elves below.


But conflict seemed to seek out the Domovoj. In at the height of their power, a religion schism splintered the once great Dwarven Starostas - between those stagnant in their belief of Valkauna and their 20-Aspects and those who believed they should worship each aspect seperately. Civil unrest, and the arrival of the Ogresh, unquestionably split the Dwarven Starostas. Between the De MarGurnvosat Dwarves, those who fervously worship their ancient savior through monuments of adamantine and stone - left to idle in their mountain sky-cathedrals, ruled by their elected Dominant.

  And those who choose to forsake metal and glass, turning to more humble and earthly passions – concerning themselves with the shaping of and the cultivation of crops. The MagLaunnd Dwarves, who choose to live in the countryside as simple farmers, growing bounties of grapes, olives and other foodstuffs; or those who have moved into the cities focus instead on masonry, pottery and sculpture.

Basic Information


Sample Dwarven Names

Male: Dobromil, Bratomil, Gostislav, Kyrilu, Kazimir, Lyubomir, Slavomir, Yaromir, Zbignev, Vasili   Female: Sofiya, Raisa, Miroslava, Lyudmila, Ekaterina, Agripina, Anastasiya, Jasna, Iskra, Kresimira   Clan: Aranore, Glanhig, Helcral, Holderhek, Torunn, Ungart, Orehammer, Earthlord, Ashlord, Burrowfound


De MarGurnvosat Dwarves are identified by both Clan name and Aspect Worship. Its not uncommon to have longer Dwarven names, such as Katarina of Hammerfast Clan Caebrek, God-Sworn of Haela Brightaxe.

The two cultures do not necessarily enjoy each other's presence; the De MarGurnvosat Dwarves looks down on the hill-dwellers as lazy and unskilled, too addicted to the dark drink of wine. While the MagLaunnd Dwarves think their cousins are stiff-necked stick-in-the-muds who need to loosen up.

Legends says there was a forsaken Dwarven Clan who did not worship Valkauna and their 20-Aspects, or the very earth which they walked. Instead, they stole away with the old technologies, and became enamored with the Nerathilord's occult sciences. Clan Druegar has been stricken from nearly all Dwarven Records - but sometimes in a drunken stupor, a Dwarven Scholar or a Halfling Wit will tell you much more. And reveal the dwarves very much had a hand in a creation of the Orc, the Ogresh. Something sure enough to earn the ire of anyone who hears it.

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