Strumgard Settlement in Tydrel'cha - The Realm of Changing Tides | World Anvil
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The capitol of the Kingdom of Strom and regarded as the Cradle of Humanity. Once, it stood as a major Alliance bastion during the First and Second war, aiding greatly in the defense against the orcish invasions; but after a maritime attack had been launched towards the end of the Second War, Stromgarde fell into disrepair. Sometime after the Third War and the assassination of the previous king, Galen Trollbane, Stromgarde was sacked and became a hive for bandits, thugs, and miscreants; later becoming a headquarters for The Syndicate   Asbjorn Bjornson, an Arathion traditionalist, with the aid of Varian Wrynn, Bradley, and other allies, reclaimed Stromgarde from The Syndicate and has since begun restoring the ancient kingdom to its former glory.


The kingdom is ruled by a sole ruling body, and traditionally held by a King or Emperor.  The king is advised by his three advisors that oversee different aspects of the king's affair.  The first of these advisors is the king's Caretaker, Logan Palimoore, secondly Rorik, the Upsetter - Legate of the Stromic Legionnaires - and finally, the enigmatic wizard Meryl Winterstorm.  The last of these advisors is rarely seen outside of his tower located in the district of the same name, and is rumored by citizens to be a practitioner of dark and mysteries arts and are warry of the wizard's influence over the king.


Fifteen meter high stone-walls surround the entire perimeter of the city and two feet thick, with four points of access in each of the four directions with accessible portcullis controls, and manned by rotating guards.  The interior walls surrounding the keep proper have two points of access that can also be closed by portcullis, adding an extra line of defense.  Constructed atop slopping hills, Stromgarde also has the advantage of invaders being forced to fight uphill, and purposefully constructed roads that bottleneck towards each city gate; with the exception of the newly constructed southern gate.


The interior of the Kingdom is sectioned off by walls and palisades separating each district, with Strom Keep resting on the tallest hill within city walls overlooking all points of entry, capable of watching the main roads as they slope slope into the different districts. Infrastructure outside the walls, such as the Harbor and Highlands Mill, are the city's primary resource gathering spots, and are regularly patrolled to make up for the lack of protection the walls offer.   Districts
  • Strom Keep: Built atop the highest hill in Stromgarde, where all the city's roads converge and disperse, serving as the central point of rulership for the city and provides most of the inner-city's bulk. The most notable structures here are the Keep proper, the Oringr Clan-House, and the Barracks located at the rear of the Keep where Legionnaires share lodging, storage, and training grounds.
  • Temple of Tyr: When Stromgarde was retaken under the Stromic Banner, Sanctum Chapel - Stromgarde's only place of worship to the Light - had been desecrated and left in disrepair by its former occupants. Since then, a new Temple was built in honor of the Arathi’s embodiment of the Light, Tyr. The old chapel was left standing as both a remembrance of the Light’s vigil, and in honor of those laid to rest in its hallowed grounds. Structures of note here are the Temple of Tyr itself, the old Sanctum Chapel grounds, and Trollbane’s Tomb located in the chapel's graveyard.
  • Husaradir District: Streets lined with rows of Clan-Houses, large homes of wood and stone that provide lodging for clans numbering from as small as 10, up to - but not limited to - as many as 40. The Husaradir district was one of the first to be reconstructed after Stromgarde was taken. Some of the newest homes were made from refurbished wood and stone from ruins from other buildings sprinkled throughout the city beyond repair, and the oldest buildings are reconstructed with newly acquired materials onto already existing houses. Infrastructures of note are The Black Spirit, and The Stables and Aavik's Smithy
  • Stallyon Moot-Grounds: Back in the ancient days, Moot-Grounds were the choice for Arathorian clans to seek and display entertainment. Such entertainment usually entailed a grappling match or other feats of will and strength in opposition, and the tradition has persisted to this day for many clans - championed by the Oringr Clan. The Stallyon Moot-Grounds, named such after the fabled Bard known as Black Stallyn - and an unfortunate slight mistranslation - serves a dual function of both a central trade-hub for travelling merchants and wayfaring Pioneers, expressing displays of traditional Clans-Moot festivities for those unaccustomed to Arathorian culture. Infrastructures of note are the Darkmoon Faire and the Arcadia's Glass and Goods
  • Gomlum Alley: Nicknamed Deadend by citizens and visitors alike, Gomlum Alley is made up of refurbished buildings and cannibalized ruins that serve as hovels for those not belonging to a Clan-House. The interior of much of the buildings are fair and appear in better condition than the exteriors suggest. Despite what would normally be considered an eye-sore, the alley is known for feelings of rustic nostalgia, as if the resourceful nature of these buildings stand as a testament to it’s timelessness. Infrastructures of note are The Howling Pony and Gertha’s Stop, Shop and Top-ography.
  • Winterstorm District: When Stromgarde was retaken, this district served as the center for deconstruction for the work-force. Neighboring and sharing land with Gomlum Alley, much of the buildings that once stood have now been dismantled and recycled, leaving open plots of land to the shamans, vagabonds and other travelers not accustomed to denser populations. Infrastructures of note are the Jailhouse, Winterstorm’s Tower, The Pioneer’s Guild, and the Binding Stones.
  • Highlands Mill: At least a third of the working population have been assigned to the Lumbermill just outside of Stromgarde's north-western entrance. The Highland's Mill is responsible for at least sixty percent of Stromgarde' lumber production, with the remaining forty percent deriving from abandoned ruins; with most of the wood from the Mill used to build Strom Harbor, along with fishing boats in order to increase food and trade production.
  • Strom Harbor: Newly constructed and in it’s final touches, the Harbor serves as a means for the city of Stromgarde to re-establish trade-routes, communication and provide an alternative source for food. Workers from the mill have been slowly relocated to the Shipyard over the course of its construction, using some of the skills of the woodsmen and crafters to build reliable boats, while the less able bodied are assigned onto what boats are available for limited fishing purposes.
  • Galson's Lode: This quarry serves as the source for Stromgarde’s constructive upkeep of its walls and infrastructures. When reconstruction of the city started, it was evident that there would not be enough brick, metal and stones to rebuild homes nor its crumbling walls. It was due to the work and communication of Arathi shamans who followed the Stromic Banner making a deal with the elements of Earth - whose Binding Stone stands in solitude outside the quarry that would become Galson’s Lode. Part of the deal consisted that only so much of certain materials can be taken out of the mines, because mortals were too greedy for what the earth had to offer, as was told by the Shamans. This has made dealing with the Elementals tricky, and strict regulations are held in place to make sure no overly-eager miner breaks this contract. It is not unheard of for veins of silver and gold to be discovered, only for it to mysteriously disappear shortly after being discovered without a single ore leaving the Lode.
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