Bradley Character in Tydrel'cha - The Realm of Changing Tides | World Anvil
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Dragon-Slayer Bradley (a.k.a. Black Stallyon)

A young punk with an attitude turned entrepreneurial philanthropist. Determined to make his name and legacy within the world of Azeroth, adventure called out to Bradley, and we went running in with an instrument in hand and a vicious mockery on the tip of his tongue. Throughout his journey, Bradley was aged not by time, but by experience and hardship. He saw the good his actions could create, and through learned patience, he saw the fruit of his actions blossom. Now, a music icon, business-man, recognized Paladin, and recently, a knighted Dragon-Slayer.   Despite his new recognition and title, Bradley fought hard against the abuse of Dragon-Slaying, knowing full-well that not all dragons were evil, even getting into extremely heated debates with Baron Aldous Lescovar . Along with Warchief Grubu Slackjaw and newly crowned King of Arathi, Asbjorn Bjornson , they pushed for Dragon-Slaying to become outlawed. Unfortunately, due to increased attacks from dragons thought to have gone made, Dragon-Slaying nevertheless became a recognized and honored profession.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"After arriving in Stormwind, Bradley goes with Grubu and Asbjorn to meet King Varian Wrynn. During their audience Bradley asks his permission to expand his vineyard further into Elwynn Forest, and to eventually establish it as a small town. After hearing of the events that have transpired during the course of the party's adventures, and a healthy endorsement from the Warchief of the Horde, King Varian agrees. Before leaving, Bradley offers to sign autographs for all members of the Stormwind Nobility.   After leaving Stormwind Keep Bradley says his goodbyes to Grubu and Asbjorn, giving Grubu the biggest hug he can muster with his newly found strength. He thanks Grubu for being such a good friend to him and the rest of the party, and for all of the positive things he's accomplished for the Horde and Azeroth as a whole, letting him know that without Grubu's strength, wisdom, and integrity their victory never would have happened. He extends a hand to Asbjorn as if he wants to give him a handshake, then grips his hand tightly and pulls him in for a hug as well. Shakily and with tears in his eyes, Bradley thanks Asbjorn for always having his back on the battlefield and in their everyday lives. Still hugging tightly, Bradley says, "You are the strongest, most fearsome warrior I've ever met, and you know as well as I do; we've met a lot of warriors in the last year." Releasing Asbjorn, Bradley grabs him by his hulking arms, looks into his one good eye and says " You've been a great source of inspiration for me, when we met I was a punk who only cared about fame and money. Don't get me wrong, I still care about money... and fame... but I have more to care about now." "I never had a family growing up. But you, Sven, and everyone else we traveled with along the way showed me what family is, thank you." Bradley lets go of Asbjorn and wipes his eyes, pausing for a moment before continuing. "But look at me now! I never imagined I'd be wearing metal armor and swinging around an axe as big as me! Sure Da... I mean Geri, taught me the Light side of things, but you were my role model for getting stronger." "Don't forget to invite me to the next Clansmoot, I wouldn't miss it for anything." With that, Bradley pats them each on the shoulder and waves goodbye as he walks off toward Bill and Ted's Bakery.   Before walking in the door of the bakery, Bradley takes his old lute off his back and looks at it thoughtfully. It's been with him since before he met the others, but he has a magical guitar axe, and someone else can make better use of his old axe now. He takes out his flaming dagger, and with its red-hot edge, leaves his autograph and calling card. Walking into the bakery he greets Bill and Ted warmly, hugging each of them. He shoots them each a glance and says " Boys, I think we're done for now. I'll be settling down in my vineyard. I plan on eventually making it into a little town and I'd be honored if you'd open a bakery there once I get things rolling". After a short chat, Bradley asks if their son is around, his hand resting on the neck of his lute. They call him in, and Bradley walks up to him and says " I know you're a big fan, and my fans are what I do this for. You've got promise, kid, I can see it in your eyes. There's something I want you to have." He stretches out his arm, lute in hand, and gives it to the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. His parting words to the young man "Stop by sometime if you ever want lessons, it'll be on the house" With that he leaves the bakery and visits the proprietors of his other business ventures, extending to them the same offer he made to Bill and Ted. He then makes his way to the gryffin station and boards his gryffin, heading to the vineyard to start turning his farm into a town"   -Tyler Wyatt


Contacts & Relations

Religious Views

Born-again follower of the Light.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and kind natured, hidden behind a sharp wit and sometimes skeptical pessimism. Although that skepticism proves to be correct on occasion, Bradley is trustworthy and is able to trust once it is earned.



Battle Brother (Vital)

Towards Asbjorn Bjornson Oringr



Asbjorn Bjornson Oringr

Battle Brother (Vital)

Towards Bradley



Current Location
Current Residence
Elwynn Forest
Ruled Locations

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