Session 61 (05. 02. 2020) in Tychell | World Anvil
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Session 61 (05. 02. 2020)

Telum Veritas had an evening full of fruitful discussions about their next plan of action. It was decided that they'd head back to Banta Juergo and pay Oris's prison a visit along the way. Isadora made an emotional plea to let her try and talk Djaro down the next time they met him. Vincent worked his magic on the various items they'd claimed in the giant's vault. Heartpiercer turned out to be an especially powerful weapon, which Isadora promptly claimed.   In the morning, they got on rakback and began their journey. Kim raced the raks, until she got attacked by Paula. The group found the rock worm's crater again, but the beast was nowhere to be seen. While Penrose wanted to try and kill it, Lia urged everyone to move on rather than get into a pointless and potentially deadly fight. By the time evening came around, they'd almost reached the prison.   While half the group stayed at camp, Vincent, Penrose and Isadora went to stake out the prison. Vincent investigated the area with his invisible arcane eye, and found that the side entrance Penrose, Lia and Obediah had used to escape was now better hidden, and most likely better protected. The trio decided that the main entrance was a better target, with only two guards standing watch.   They did not do a very good job at staying quiet, and one of the guards went in to get a team to check the disturbance out. Vincent took the opportunity to get his eye into the prison. He saw the guard room, and checked out the high security area, which only had a few cells. He could not see who was inside, however. Meanwhile, the guards emerged, and the trio opted to return to camp.   The next morning, they launched their attack. They managed to immobilize (then accidentally kill) one guard at the entrance, but the other ran in to get help. They followed him, and fought his friends in a short battle that was more of a curbstomp. As the remaining guards fled, Morgyn closed down their room with a wall of stone.   Seconds after this, however, a huge earth elemental dropped down from the ceiling and engaged them. It kept spitting saktihina crystals at Lia, and spinning a giant maul around, hitting everyone in range. Penrose managed to pierce through its thick armour plates, though.


Kim Brade (Dave)   Lia Caerdonel (Fanni)   Morgyn Witpicker (Bart)   Vincent Benedict Stanton III (René)   Penrose Stares (Frida)   Isadora Castillo (Max)   Obediah (René)


Geocrancis   Prison

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