Session 59 (22. 01. 2020) in Tychell | World Anvil
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Session 59 (22. 01. 2020)

Having realized that she forgot to tell the others about Djaro, Lia spent an hour recharging the sending stone while Penrose and Obediah made plans for crossing the perilous rope bridge between the fourth and fifth plate. Meanwhile, Vincent, Isadora, Morgyn and Kim explored the vicinity of the tower they had arrived at, and discovered a door. It was operated by six levers, each of which had three settings. Presumably, the right combination would open the door, but brute forcing it seemed like a bad idea when the ground began shaking more violently after three tries.   When Lia finished recharging the stone, she sent her warning. Vincent replied that Isadora would go get them with the flying carpet. Armed with the sending stone, which would lead her to its pair, she took off. Meanwhile, the other three crossed the bridge. Things went well until the final segment, when a sudden lurch of the bridge led both Penrose and Lia to lose their footing. Fortunately, they were still attached together by rope, everyone escaped unscathed.   On the other side, they took a breather. It was then that Isadora arrived. Since only one additional person could sit on the carpet, it was agreed that they would do two round trips, first with Penrose, then with Obediah plus Lia in the portable hole. While Isadora and Penrose set off, Lia and Obediah trekked down the fifth plate.   While all this was going on, Vincent discovered a new ability of his improved eyes: chronosight, which showed him that someone, most likely Djaro, had already passed through and into the tower some time before. He also managed to read the lever combination Djaro had used, which opened the door. He took a couple of steps inside, and discovered that unlike the Fractured Spine around it, the inside of the tower wasn't shaking. The door began to close, so he went to leave - only to discover that the ground outside was beginning to fall away. The three of them rushed inside. Vincent messaged the combination to Isadora and warned her about the collapsed ground.   Isadora and Penrose arrived at the tower and found that the ground was back the way they'd left it. They input the combination and Penrose rushed inside. As the ground fell away once more, Isadora lifted into the air. She decided to check out the light on top of the tower, and discovered it was the same type of anti-magic crystal she was familiar with. As the carpet began to fail, she hurried away to meet up with Lia and Obediah.   The pair made it down to the bottom of the fifth plate by the time she arrived. They started back towards the tower. Meanwhile, the others began to explore the chamber they had found themselves in. The tower turned out to be hollow on the inside, a single large space with the light of the crystal at the top and strange blocks suspended in the middle. It also went deep into the depths of the ground. In the middle of the platform they stood on, there was a pool of blackness with an inscription around it, talking about a Vault.   Isadora, Obediah and Lia soon arrived. As the door opened for a third time, Vincent discovered another skill: truesight, which showed him that the ground falling away was merely an illusion. As the now reunited group continued their exploration, Lia identified the pool as conjuration magic. It was a portal leading somewhere. They all rushed in, and found themselves split into several different chambers.   Vincent, Lia and Penrose arrived in a round room with walled-in windows and a second portal hidden beneath a thick slab of stone in the middle. They'd barely begun to investigate the room, when the walls began closing in. Finding no switch or lever to uncover the portal, they worked to break the stone slab. With a mighty acid orb by an enraged Lia, and Penrose's pickaxe skills, the stone was finally broken, and the trio jumped in, holding onto each other so they wouldn't be separated again. However, Vincent's hand slipped from Lia's as they went through.   Meanwhile, Kim and Isadora found themselves in a room where slimes kept dropping from the ceiling. The pair made short work of the creatures, but their acidic blood splattered on Kim, and hurt her. They soon discovered that this was the key to getting out: the acid was eating through a similar stone slab as the one in the other room, revealing a portal. They went forward.   In a third room, Morgyn found himself alone with Obediah. They were standing on the ceiling, and the next portal was on the floor. However, neither of them had any flying magic. Obediah climbed the wall, but had no way of getting to the center of the room where the portal was. As there was only ten feet of distance between floor and ceiling, Obediah decided to try and jump through - and sailed through the portal, leaving the poor gnome behind. Poisonous fumes began to fill the room.   Just as Morgyn was beginning to despair, Lia and Penrose showed up, thrown into this room after their previous one. Penrose wasted no time picking Morgyn up and hurling him through the portal, then tried and failed to give Lia a boost. She fell down, into the to toxic gas, but managed to avoid breathing it in. Finally, Penrose opted to carry her through with his flight magic.   Kim ended up alone in a strange room with three statues resembling some strange creatures, one of them vaguely familiar. Each one was holding a colorful crystal, one red, one blue, one yellow. She started picking them up and rearranging them at random, which made the statues move. The yellow crystal, which turned out to be a saktihina crystal, gave her trouble as it kept sending her flying with a shockwave every time she touched it. Finally, she summoned her magical panther, Boogie, who managed to swat the crystal off the statue - then immediately turned on its master. Kim tried to ignore it at first, but Boogie pounced on her, and she had to put it down. At least for a week. Having finally secured the last crystal, she placed it on the last statue and a portal was revealed.   Isadora also ended up alone, in the room with the walls closing in. She had no way of getting through the stone slab, which was whole again. So, as the walls kept grinding closer, she drew a self-portrait on the floor - and used a magical item, which allowed her to temporarily meld into an artwork depicting a humanoid figure. She waited inside the stone floor as the walls crashed together. Moments later, they returned to their original position, and the stone slab slid aside to reveal the portal.   Vincent, Morgyn and Obediah all found themselves inside a gelatinous cube that filled an entire room and immediately began to digest them. As Vincent began to push his way to the visible portal and Obediah opted for carving his way through with a sword, Morgyn went with the quickest solution and banished the cube. They made their way to the portal, safe and sound.   This time, the entire group appeared in a single large room with a pile of treasure in the middle, and grand double doors leading out. They investigated the treasure, and found a fancy looking orb in a chest. As Lia saw nothing magical except for the doors themselves, but the Enigma Sphere was supposed to be able to hide itself from all forms of divination, it remained up to debate whether or not they'd actually found the treasure. The conspicuous lack of Djaro made them lean towards a negative.   Isadora went to investigate the doors, which all of a sudden came to life and attacked her. They were mimics.


Kim Brade (Dave)   Lia Caerdonel (Fanni)   Morgyn Witpicker (Bart)   Vincent Benedict Stanton III (René)   Penrose Stares (Frida)   Isadora Castillo (Max)   Obediah (René)


Fractured Spine

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